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There are 18 seven-letter words containing F, I, L, N and Y

ANGLIFYAnglify v. (Transitive) To convert to English norms; to anglicise.
ANGLIFY v. to make English.
FAINTLYfaintly adv. In a faint manner; very quietly or lightly.
FAINT adv. lacking strength.
FANCILYfancily adv. In a fancy manner.
FANCY adv. ornamental.
FINALLYfinally adv. At the end or conclusion; ultimately.
finally adv. (Sequence) To finish (with); lastly (in the present).
finally adv. (Manner) Definitively, comprehensively.
FLAYINGflaying v. Present participle of flay.
flaying n. The act by which something is flayed.
FLAY v. to strip off skin or hide.
FLEYINGfleying v. Present participle of fley.
FLEY v. (Scots) to frighten, also FLEG.
FLYINGSflyings n. Plural of flying.
FLYING n. the operation of an aircraft.
FLYLINEfly␣line n. (Fishing) A line for angling with an artificial fly.
FLYLINE n. a type of line used in fly fishing.
FLYPINGflyping v. Present participle of flype.
FLYPE v. to strip back, to turn partly inside out e.g. a hat-brim.
FLYTINGflyting n. Contention, noisy argument.
flyting n. Scolding, rebuke.
flyting n. A poetic contest of insults or invective.
FOYLINGfoyling v. Present participle of foyle.
FOYLE v. (Spenser) to foil.
FUNKILYfunkily adv. In a funky manner.
FUNKY adv. of jazz, pop music etc., earthy, soulful.
FUNNILYfunnily adv. In a funny or amusing manner.
funnily adv. In a strange or unexpected manner, especially of a coincidence.
FUNNY adv. amusing.
LIGNIFYlignify v. (Intransitive) To become wood.
lignify v. (Intransitive, botany) To develop woody tissue as a result of incrustation of lignin during secondary growth.
lignify v. (Intransitive, by extension) To become rigid or fixed, like something made of wood.
NIFTILYniftily adv. In a nifty manner; cleverly.
NIFTY adv. apt, agile; stylish.
NULLIFYnullify v. (Transitive, law) To make legally invalid.
nullify v. To prevent from happening.
nullify v. To make of no use or value; to cancel out.
SNIFFLYsniffly adj. Inclined to sniffle.
sniffly adj. Resembling a sniffle.
SNIFFLY adj. having a sniffle.
UNFITLYunfitly adv. In an unfit manner; unsuitably, inappropriately, not fitly.
UNFIT adv. not fit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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