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There are 20 seven-letter words containing F, I, 2L and U

FLUIDALfluidal adj. (Chiefly geology) Pertaining to a fluid, or to a flowing motion.
FLUIDAL adj. pertaining to a fluid, or to its flowing motion.
FLUIDLYfluidly adv. In a fluid manner; smoothly.
FLUID adv. flowing.
FLUKILYflukily adv. In a fluky way; with unexpected luck.
FLUKY adv. lucky, by accidental success, also FLUKEY.
FLUVIALfluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream.
FLUVIAL adj. of or relating to a river or stream.
FULFILLfulfill v. To satisfy, carry out, bring to completion (An obligation, a requirement, etc.).
fulfill v. To emotionally or artistically satisfy; to develop one’s gifts to the fullest.
fulfill v. To obey, follow, comply with (A rule, requirement etc.).
FULFILSfulfils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fulfil.
FULFIL v. to bring about the accomplishment of, also FULFILL.
FULLINGfulling n. Baptism.
fulling v. Present participle of full: To make cloth denser and firmer.
FULL v. to shrink and thicken, as cloth.
FULLISHfullish adj. Somewhat full; reasonably full, quite full.
FULLISH adj. somewhat full.
FUSILLIfusilli n. Pasta in the shape of short spirals.
FUSILLI n. (Italian) pasta in the form of short thick spirals.
LIFEFULlifeful adj. Bestowing life; enlivening.
lifeful adj. Full of vitality; lively and exuberant.
lifeful adj. Characteristic of life and living things.
LISTFULlistful adj. Attentive, listening.
listful adj. Using or based on lists.
listful adj. (Rare) Tending to list or lean.
NULLIFYnullify v. (Transitive, law) To make legally invalid.
nullify v. To prevent from happening.
nullify v. To make of no use or value; to cancel out.
PAILFULpailful n. The amount that fills, or would fill, a pail.
PAILFUL n. as much as a pail can hold.
SKILFULskilful adj. Non-US (including but not limited to Australian, British, Canadian, Irish, Jamaican, South African and…
SKILFUL adj. full of skill, also SKILFULL, SKILLFUL.
TOILFULtoilful adj. Producing or involving much toil; laborious.
TOILFUL adj. producing or involving much toil; laborious.
UPFILLSupfills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upfill.
UPFILL v. to fill up.
VIALFULvialful n. Enough to fill a vial.
VIALFUL n. as much as a vial can hold.
WAILFULwailful adj. (Chiefly poetic) Sorrowful; mournful.
WAILFUL adj. sorrowful; mournful.
WILEFULwileful adj. Full of wiles; deceitful.
WILEFUL adj. full of wiles.
WILLFULwillful adj. American form standard spelling of wilful.
WILLFUL adj. bent on having one's own way, also WILFUL, WILLYARD, WILLYART.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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