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There are 15 seven-letter words containing F, 2I, L and T

AIRLIFTairlift n. The transportation of troops, civilians or supplies by air, especially in an emergency.
airlift n. Such a flight.
airlift n. (Archaeology) A pipe that is used to suck up objects from the sea bed.
FICTILEfictile adj. Capable of being molded into the shape of an artifact or art work.
fictile adj. (Of an art work or artifact) Molded of clay or earth.
fictile adj. (Pottery) Of or relating to earthenware.
FILIATEfiliate v. (Transitive) To adopt as son or daughter.
filiate v. (Transitive) To establish filiation between.
FILIATE v. to bring into close association.
FINLITSFINLIT n. (colloquial) financial literacy.
FIRELITfirelit adj. Illuminated by a fire.
FIRELIT adj. lit by firelight.
FITLIERfitlier adv. (Rare, literary) comparative form of fitly: more fitly.
FITLY adv. in a fit manner.
FLITINGfliting v. Present participle of flite.
fliting n. Alternative form of flyting.
FLITE v. (Scots) to quarrel, brawl, also FLYTE.
FOILISTfoilist n. (Fencing) A fencer who fights with a foil.
FOILIST n. one who fences with a foil.
INFLICTinflict v. To thrust upon; to impose.
INFLICT v. to impose on.
LIFTINGlifting n. The action or process by which something is lifted; elevation.
lifting n. (Sports) weightlifting; a form of exercise in which weights are lifted.
lifting n. (Medicine) plastic surgery for tightening facial tissues and improving the facial appearance.
LITHIFYlithify v. To turn sediment into solid rock.
LITHIFY v. to petrify, convert to rock.
NIFTILYniftily adv. In a nifty manner; cleverly.
NIFTY adv. apt, agile; stylish.
PITIFULpitiful adj. (Now rare) Feeling pity; merciful.
pitiful adj. So appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it; eliciting pity.
pitiful adj. Of an amount or number: very small.
TAILFINtailfin n. A fin at the tail of a fish, caudal fin.
tailfin n. A fin on the tail of an aircraft, vertical stabilizer.
tailfin n. (Automotive) A fin-like projection at the rear of a car, common on American cars of the 1950s.
TINFOILtinfoil n. A thin, pliable sheet of tin or an alloy of tin and lead, used as a protective wrapping.
tinfoil n. (Informal) aluminium foil.
tinfoil v. (Transitive) To cover in tinfoil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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