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There are 16 seven-letter words containing F, G, I, R and U

FIGURALfigural adj. Representing by means of a figure; emblematic.
figural adj. Figurative, not literal.
figural adj. (Mathematics, obsolete) Of numbers, describing a geometrical figure.
FIGUREDfigured v. Simple past tense and past participle of figure.
figured adj. (Of a natural material) Having a pattern considered attractive appearing on a section.
figured adj. Adorned with a figure or figures.
FIGURERfigurer n. One who figures or calculates.
FIGURER n. one who figures.
FIGURESfigures n. Plural of figure.
figures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of figure.
figures v. (By ellipsis) It figures.
FIREBUGfirebug n. Pyrrhocoris apterus, a common red and black insect, that is the type species of the family Pyrrhocoridae.
firebug n. (Slang) a pyromaniac or arsonist.
FIREBUG n. an arsonist.
FUDGIERfudgier adj. Comparative form of fudgy: more fudgy.
FUDGY adj. resembling fudge (a soft, sweet candy).
FUGGIERfuggier adj. Comparative form of fuggy: more fuggy.
FUGGY adj. close, stuffy.
FUGLIERfuglier adj. Comparative form of fugly: more fugly.
FUGLY adj. (offensive) very ugly.
FURLINGfurling v. Present participle of furl.
furling n. The act by which something is furled.
FURL v. to roll up.
FURRINGfurring v. Present participle of fur.
furring n. Parts of clothing made from fur.
furring n. A coating that resembles fur.
GULFIERGULFY adj. full of whirlpools.
GUNFIREgunfire n. Shots from a gun or guns, typically creating loud report.
gunfire n. (Chiefly military) The use of gunpowder-type weapons, mainly cannon, as opposed to swords or bayonets.
gunfire n. (Military) The time of firing of the morning gun or the evening gun.
REFUGIArefugia n. Plural of refugium.
REFUGIUM n. (Latin) a stable area during a period of continental climatic change.
RUFFINGruffing v. Present participle of ruff.
Ruffing prop.n. A surname.
RUFF v. at bridge, to play a trump card when one cannot follow through.
SURFINGsurfing v. Present participle of surf.
surfing n. The pastime or sport of riding surf on a surfboard.
surfing n. The activity of browsing the Internet.
TURFINGturfing v. Present participle of turf.
TURFING n. the act of turfing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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