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There are 13 seven-letter words containing F, G, 2I and S

FILINGSfilings n. Plural of filing.
FILING n. a particle removed by a file.
FININGSfinings n. Substances added to wine, beer and certain other beverages to remove organic compounds in order to improve…
FINING n. the process of refining of wines.
FIRINGSfirings n. Plural of firing.
FIRING n. the process of maturing ceramic products.
FISGIGSfisgigs n. Plural of fisgig.
FISGIG n. a giddy girl, a firework of damp powder, also FISHGIG, FIZGIG, FIZZGIG.
FISHGIGfishgig n. (Fishing) Alternative spelling of fizgig.
fish␣gig n. Alternative spelling of fishgig (alternative form of fizgig).
FISHGIG n. a kind of harpoon, also FISGIG, FIZGIG, FIZZGIG.
FISHINGfishing n. (Uncountable) The act of catching fish.
fishing n. (Uncountable, informal) The act of catching other forms of seafood, separately or together with fish.
fishing n. (Uncountable) Commercial fishing: the business or industry of catching fish and other seafood for sale.
FISKINGfisking n. A rebuttal to an article or blog made by quoting its content in sections and refuting each section individually.
FISK v. to frisk, gad about.
FISTINGfisting v. Present participle of fist.
fisting n. (Slang) The sexual practice of inserting one or both hands into the vagina or rectum of one’s sexual partner.
FISTING n. a homosexual erotic practice.
FIXINGSfixings n. Plural of fixing.
fixings n. The necessary ingredients or components (for something, especially food or a social event).
fixings n. Side dishes or other appropriate accompaniments such as condiments; trimmings.
FIZGIGSfizgigs n. Plural of fizgig.
fizgigs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fizgig (to act as a police informer).
fiz-gigs n. Plural of fiz-gig.
PIGFISHpigfish n. Any one of several species of salt-water grunts, called also hogfish.
pigfish n. Any of several other fishes thought to resemble pigs, including.
PIGFISH n. a large West Indian and Florida food fish, aka hogfish.
SIFTINGsifting v. Present participle of sift.
sifting n. The act by which something is sifted.
sifting n. (In the plural) The material which falls through a sieve.
SIGNIFYsignify v. To create a sign out of something.
signify v. To give (something) a meaning or an importance. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:)
signify v. To show one’s intentions with a sign etc.; to indicate, announce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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