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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing F, G, H, I and N

AFGHANIafghani n. The monetary currency of Afghanistan, divided into 100 pul.
Afghani n. Alternative letter-case form of afghani (“Afghanistan’s unit of currency”).
Afghani n. (Uncommon) An Afghan; a native, inhabitant or national of Afghanistan.
CHAFINGchafing v. Present participle of chafe.
chafing n. The act by which something is chafed.
CHAFE v. to warm by rubbing.
CHEFINGchefing v. Present participle of chef.
chefing n. Alternative form of cheffing (“the activity of a chef”).
CHEF v. to work as a chef.
FASHINGfashing v. Present participle of fash.
FASH v. (Scots) to bother or annoy.
FISHINGfishing n. (Uncountable) The act of catching fish.
fishing n. (Uncountable, informal) The act of catching other forms of seafood, separately or together with fish.
fishing n. (Uncountable) Commercial fishing: the business or industry of catching fish and other seafood for sale.
HAFTINGhafting v. Present participle of haft.
HAFT v. to set in a haft; to establish firmly.
HEFTINGhefting v. Present participle of heft.
HEFT v. to lift up, feel the weight of.
HOOFINGhoofing v. Present participle of hoof.
HOOF v. to dance.
HOUFINGHOUF v. to haunt, frequent, also HOUFF, HOWF, HOWFF.
HOWFINGHOWF v. to haunt, frequent, also HOUF, HOUFF, HOWFF.
HUFFINGhuffing n. (Colloquial) The act of inhaling psychoactive inhalants.
huffing v. Present participle of huff.
HUFFING n. as in huffing and puffing, loud talk, noisy objections.
HUMFINGhumfing v. Present participle of humf.
HUMF v. (Scots) to carry something awkward, also HUMPH.
INFIGHTinfight v. (Intransitive) To fight with allies or other members of the same group.
infight v. (Boxing) To box while extremely close to an opponent.
infight n. An internal battle; a fight with allies or other members of the same group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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