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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2F, I, O and S

BOFFINSboffins n. Plural of boffin.
BOFFIN n. a scientific expert.
COFFINScoffins n. Plural of coffin.
coffins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coffin.
Coffins prop.n. Plural of Coffin.
COIFFEScoiffes n. Plural of coiffe.
coiffes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coiffe.
COIFFE v. to put the hair in a coif, also COIF, COIFFURE.
DIEOFFSdieoffs n. Plural of dieoff.
die-offs n. Plural of die-off.
DIEOFF n. a dying off of vegetation.
FILFOTSfilfots n. Plural of filfot.
FILFOT n. a swastika, also FYLFOT.
FOXFISHfoxfish n. A fox shark or sea fox.
foxfish n. A common dragonet (Callionymus lyra), of European waters.
foxfish n. An Australian fish, Bodianus frenchii, and related species.
GONIFFSgoniffs n. Plural of goniff.
OFFICESoffices n. Plural of office.
offices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of office.
OFFICE n. a position of authority.
OFFINGSoffings n. Plural of offing.
OFFING n. that part of the sea that is visible from the shore but beyond anchoring ground.
OFFSIDEoffside adj. (Sports) In an illegal position ahead of the ball, puck, etc.
offside adj. (US) To the side of the road, past the curb and sidewalk.
offside adj. (Bridge) Unfavourably located, from the point of view of the player taking a finesse.
RIPOFFSripoffs n. Plural of ripoff.
rip-offs n. Plural of rip-off.
rip␣offs n. Plural of rip off.
SOFFITSsoffits n. Plural of soffit.
SOFFIT n. the underside of an architectural structure.
SPINOFFspinoff n. Alternative spelling of spin-off.
spin-off n. An offshoot.
spin-off n. An incidental benefit or unexpected pay-off.
TIPOFFStipoffs n. Plural of tipoff.
tip-offs n. Plural of tip-off.
TIPOFF n. a piece of information, esp. leading to an arrest.
TOFFIEStoffies n. Plural of toffy.
TOFFY n. a toffee, also TAFFY, TOFFEE.
TOFFISHtoffish adj. Like a toff.
TOFFISH adj. like a toff; posh.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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