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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing F, I, O, R and T

FAITORFAITOR n. an imposter, also FAITOUR.
FICTORfictor n. An artist who models or forms statues and reliefs in any malleable material.
FICTOR n. a person who makes images from clay.
FIRLOTfirlot n. (Scotland) A measure of capacity, once used for corn etc, equal to four pecks.
FIRLOT n. (Scots) an old measure of grain etc.
FORINTforint n. The basic unit of currency of Hungary; formerly subdivided into 100 fillér.
FORINT n. a monetary unit of Hungary.
FORPITforpit n. Alternative form of forpet.
FORPIT n. (Scots) a measure of grain, also FORPET.
FORRITforrit adv. (Scotland) Forwards, forward.
FORRIT adv. (Scots) forward, also FORRAD.
FORTISfortis adj. (Phonetics) Strongly articulated (of a consonant), hence voiceless.
fortis n. (Phonetics) A fortis consonant.
Fortis prop.n. Plural of Forti.
FRICOTfricot n. A traditional Acadian stew made with potatoes, onions, and meat with dumplings.
FRICOT n. an Acadian stew with potatoes and meat or fish.
FRIGOTfrigot n. Obsolete form of frigate.
FRIGOT n. (Spenser) a frigate.
PROFITprofit n. (Accounting, economics) Total income or cash flow minus expenditures. The money or other benefit a non-governmental…
profit n. (Dated, literary) Benefit, positive result obtained.
profit n. (Property law) Ellipsis of profit à prendre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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