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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing F, 3O and S

CHLOROFORMISTSchloroformists n. Plural of chloroformist.
CHLOROFORMIST n. one who administers chloroform.
CONFRONTATIONSconfrontations n. Plural of confrontation.
CONFRONTATION n. the act of confronting.
CONTRAFAGOTTOScontrafagottos n. Plural of contrafagotto.
CONTRAFAGOTTO n. (Italian) a musical instrument like a bassoon.
COROLLIFLOROUScorolliflorous adj. Corollifloral.
COROLLIFLOROUS adj. belonging to the Corolliflorae, also COROLLIFLORAL.
FLUOROSCOPISTSfluoroscopists n. Plural of fluoroscopist.
FLUOROSCOPIST n. one who uses a fluoroscope.
FOOTSORENESSESFOOTSORENESS n. the state of being footsore.
GOODFELLOWSHIPgood-fellowship n. The spirit of goodwill that exists among friends; comradeship.
GOODFELLOWSHIP n. the office of goodfellow.
NONCONFORMINGSNONCONFORMING n. the act of not conforming.
NONCONFORMISMSnonconformisms n. Plural of nonconformism.
NONCONFORMISM n. nonconformity.
NONCONFORMISTSnonconformists n. Plural of nonconformist.
Nonconformists n. Plural of Nonconformist.
non-conformists n. Plural of non-conformist.
OLFACTOLOGISTSolfactologists n. Plural of olfactologist.
OLFACTOLOGIST n. one who studies smells and the sense of smell.
OPSONIFICATIONopsonification n. Synonym of opsonization.
OPSONIFICATION n. the process of opsonifying.
SHOWERPROOFINGshowerproofing v. Present participle of showerproof.
SHOWERPROOFING n. the act of making proof against showers.
SOPORIFEROUSLYsoporiferously adv. In a soporiferous manner.
SOPORIFEROUS adv. causing or tending to cause sleep.
SOUNDPROOFINGSsoundproofings n. Plural of soundproofing.
SOUNDPROOFING n. insulation to obstruct the passage of sound.
TOMFOOLISHNESStomfoolishness n. The quality of being tomfoolish.
TOMFOOLISHNESS n. the state of being tomfoolish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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