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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing F, M, 2O and U

COUNTERREFORMcounterreform n. Opposition to reform.
COUNTERREFORM v. to make a reform designed to counter another reform.
FERROCHROMIUMferrochromium n. An alloy of iron and chromium.
FERROCHROMIUM n. an alloy of iron with chromium, also FERROCHROME.
FLUOROCHROMESfluorochromes n. Plural of fluorochrome.
FLUOROCHROME n. any of various fluorescent substances used in biological staining to produce fluorescence in a specimen.
FLUOROMETRIESFLUOROMETRY n. measurement by fluorometer, also FLUORIMETRY.
NEUROFIBROMASneurofibromas n. Plural of neurofibroma.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
NONUNIFORMITYnonuniformity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being nonuniform.
nonuniformity n. (Countable) A nonuniform thing.
NONUNIFORMITY n. the state of being nonuniform.
OMNIFARIOUSLYomnifariously adv. In an omnifarious manner.
OMNIFARIOUS adv. of all kinds.
OUTPERFORMINGoutperforming v. Present participle of outperform.
OUTPERFORM v. to exceed in performance.
RECOMFORTURESRECOMFORTURE n. (Shakespeare) consolation.
REFORMULATIONreformulation n. The act of formulating anew.
reformulation n. A new formulation.
REFORMULATION n. the act of reformulating.
SOMNIFEROUSLYsomniferously adv. In a somniferous way.
SOMNIFEROUS adv. causing sleep.
STROMBULIFORMSTROMBULIFORM adj. shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted.
UNCOMFORTABLEuncomfortable adj. Not comfortable; causing discomfort.
uncomfortable adj. Experiencing discomfort.
uncomfortable adj. Uneasy or anxious.
UNCOMFORTABLYuncomfortably adv. In an uncomfortable manner.
UNCOMFORTABLE adv. causing discomfort or annoyance.
UNCONFORMABLEunconformable adj. Not conformable.
unconformable adj. (Geology) Exhibiting unconformity.
UNCONFORMABLE adj. not conforming.
UNCONFORMABLYunconformably adv. In an unconformable manner.
UNCONFORMABLE adv. not conforming.
UNFORTHCOMINGunforthcoming adj. Not forthcoming; laconic or uncooperative.
UNFORTHCOMING adj. not forthcoming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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