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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2F, 2N and R

AFFENPINSCHERAffenpinscher n. A breed of toy dog bred in Western Europe.
AFFENPINSCHER n. (German) a kind of dark, wiry, shaggy dog with a tufted muzzle.
AFFRANCHISINGaffranchising v. Present participle of affranchise.
AFFRANCHISE v. to free from slavery or similar obligation.
AFFRIGHTENINGaffrightening v. Present participle of affrighten.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
CANDLESNUFFERcandlesnuffer n. Alternative form of candle snuffer.
candle␣snuffer n. A device made to extinguish (snuff out) a candle.
CANDLESNUFFER n. an implement for snuffing candles that consists of a small hollow cone attached to a handle.
DIFFERENCYINGDIFFERENCY v. to make or perceive a difference in, also DIFFERENCE.
DIFFERENTNESSdifferentness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being different.
differentness n. (Countable) The result or product of being different.
DIFFERENT n. separate, unlike.
FANFARONADINGfanfaronading v. Present participle of fanfaronade.
FANFARONADE v. to bluster.
FENFLURAMINESfenfluramines n. Plural of fenfluramine.
FENNELFLOWERSFENNELFLOWER n. any of various species of the plant nigella with finely-divided leaves.
FORAMINIFERANforaminiferan n. (Zoology, paleontology) An organism of the phylum Foraminifera; a foraminifer.
FORAMINIFERAN n. a foraminifer.
INDIFFERENCESindifferences n. Plural of indifference.
INDIFFERENCE n. the state of being indifferent, also INDIFFERENCY.
INDIFFERENTLYindifferently adv. In an indifferent manner.
INDIFFERENT adv. marked by impartiality.
NITROPARAFFINnitroparaffin n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of aliphatic organic compounds containing a nitro functional group.
NITROPARAFFIN n. any of various nitro derivatives of alkanes.
NONFORFEITUREnonforfeiture n. Lack of forfeiture; failure to forfeit, or exemption from forfeiting.
NONFORFEITURE n. something that is not forfeiture.
UNDERSTAFFINGunderstaffing v. Present participle of understaff.
understaffing n. The situation of having insufficient members of staff.
UNDERSTAFFING n. inadequate staffing.
UNDIFFERENCEDundifferenced adj. (Heraldry) Not having a mark of difference.
UNDIFFERENCED adj. not differenced.
UNRUFFLEDNESSunruffledness n. The state or condition of being unruffled.
UNRUFFLEDNESS n. the state of being unruffled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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