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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing F, S, T, U and V

DIFFUSIVITYdiffusivity n. A tendency to diffuse.
diffusivity n. (Physics) a coefficient of diffusion; especially the amount of heat that passes through a given area in unit time.
DIFFUSIVITY n. the state of being diffusive.
FAVOURITISMfavouritism n. (British spelling) The unfair favouring of one person or group at the expense of another.
FAVOURITISM n. the state of having favourites.
FLAVOURIESTFLAVOURY adj. full of flavour, also FLAVORY.
FLAVOURISTSflavourists n. Plural of flavourist.
FLAVOURIST n. a person who creates flavourings for drinks, perfumes, etc., also FLAVORIST.
FLUVIALISTSfluvialists n. Plural of fluvialist.
FLUVIALIST n. one stressing the role of rivers in explanation.
FURTIVENESSfurtiveness n. The quality of being furtive.
FURTIVENESS n. the state of being furtive.
INTERFLUVESinterfluves n. Plural of interfluve.
INTERFLUVE n. an area between two rivers that flow in the same direction.
OVERSTUFFEDoverstuffed adj. Filled beyond capacity.
overstuffed adj. Of a piece of upholstered furniture, such as a chair or sofa: Covered completely and deeply with upholstery…
overstuffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstuff.
SUFFOCATIVEsuffocative adj. Tending or able to choke or stifle.
SUFFOCATIVE adj. serving to suffocate.
TRANSFUSIVEtransfusive adj. Able to transfuse.
TRANSFUSIVE adj. tending or having power to transfuse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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