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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing F, 2R and 2U

CRUCIFEROUScruciferous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the crucifer plants or products from these plants; of the family Cruciferae…
cruciferous adj. Bearing a cross.
CRUCIFEROUS adj. bearing a cross.
CUPRIFEROUScupriferous adj. Containing or producing copper.
CUPRIFEROUS adj. bearing copper.
FERRUGINOUSferruginous adj. Containing iron.
ferruginous adj. Rusty.
ferruginous adj. Rust-colored.
FRUCTUARIESfructuaries n. Plural of fructuary.
FRUCTUARY n. a person enjoying the fruits of anything.
FRUGIFEROUSfrugiferous adj. Bearing fruit.
FRUGIFEROUS adj. bearing fruit.
FRUGIVOROUSfrugivorous adj. Having a diet that consists mostly of fruit; fruit-eating.
FRUGIVOROUS adj. eating fruit.
FRUITFULLERfruitfuller adj. Comparative form of fruitful: more fruitful.
FRUITFUL adj. productive.
FURCIFEROUSfurciferous adj. (Archaic) rascally; scandalous.
FURCIFEROUS adj. bearing a forked appendage; rascally.
HARBOURFULSharbourfuls n. Plural of harbourful.
HARBOURFUL n. the contents of a harbour, also HARBORFUL.
MOURNFULLERmournfuller adj. Comparative form of mournful: more mournful.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
PERSULFURICpersulfuric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to persulfuric acid.
PERSULFURIC adj. denoting a type of acid, also PERSULPHURIC.
RESOURCEFULresourceful adj. Capable or clever; able to put available resources to efficient or ingenious use; using materials at…
RESOURCEFUL adj. able to meet situations.
THURIFEROUSthuriferous adj. Producing, bearing or yielding frankincense.
THURIFEROUS adj. incense-bearing.
UMBRIFEROUSumbriferous adj. Casting or making a shade; umbrageous.
UMBRIFEROUS adj. giving or bearing shade.
URINIFEROUSuriniferous adj. Conveying urine.
URINIFEROUS adj. bearing urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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