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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing F, M, O, P and S

FLAMEPROOFSflameproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flameproof.
FLAMEPROOF v. to make resistant to damage or burning on contact with flame.
FOREMANSHIPforemanship n. The position of a foreman.
FOREMANSHIP n. the office of foreman.
FORETOPMASTforetopmast n. (Nautical) The mast above the foretop.
FORETOPMAST n. the mast above the foretop platform.
MALLOWPUFFSMALLOWPUFF n. (New Zealand) a white marshmallow on a biscuit base covered in chocolate.
OOJAMAFLIPSoojamaflips n. Plural of oojamaflip.
OOJAMAFLIP n. a thing whose name is temporarily forgotten.
OUTPERFORMSoutperforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outperform.
OUTPERFORM v. to exceed in performance.
PASSERIFORMpasseriform adj. Of or pertaining to a sparrow; sparrow-like; bird-like.
passeriform n. Any bird of the order Passeriformes.
PASSERIFORM adj. having the form of a perching bird.
PERFORMINGSperformings n. Plural of performing.
PERFORMING n. the act of doing something.
PERMAFROSTSpermafrosts n. Plural of permafrost.
PERMAFROST n. permanently frozen subsoil.
PHENFORMINSPHENFORMIN n. a biguanide administered orally in the treatment of diabetes to lower blood levels of glucose.
PLATFORMERSplatformers n. Plural of platformer.
PLATFORMER n. a platform game, a type of computer game that is played by moving a figure on the screen through a series of obstacles and problems.
POSTFORMINGpostforming v. Present participle of postform.
POSTFORM v. to shape subsequently.
PREMODIFIESpremodifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of premodify.
PREMODIFY v. to modify beforehand.
PROFEMINISTprofeminist n. A supporter of feminism.
PROFEMINIST adj. in favour of feminism.
SCALPRIFORMscalpriform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like a chisel.
SCALPRIFORM adj. shaped like a chisel.
SLIPFORMINGslipforming v. Present participle of slipform.
slipforming n. The use of the slipform technique in working with concrete.
SLIPFORM v. to construct with the use of a mould.
SPIRALIFORMspiraliform adj. Spiral-shaped.
SPIRALIFORM adj. shaped like a spiral.
SPRINGFORMSspringforms n. Plural of springform.
STIPITIFORMstipitiform adj. (Botany) Having the shape of a stalk.
STIPITIFORM adj. in the form of a stipes, also STIPIFORM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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