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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing F, H, N, O and P

DOLPHINFISHdolphinfish n. A large food and game fish of the Coryphaenidae family which is commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters.
dolphin␣fish n. Alternative form of dolphinfish.
DOLPHINFISH n. a fish of genus Coryphaea, noted for the brilliance of its colours.
FLASHPOINTSflashpoints n. Plural of flashpoint.
flash␣points n. Plural of flash point.
FLASHPOINT n. a critical moment beyond which a situation will inevitably erupt into violence.
FOPPISHNESSfoppishness n. The characteristic or quality of being foppish.
FOPPISHNESS n. the state of being foppish.
FOREMANSHIPforemanship n. The position of a foreman.
FOREMANSHIP n. the office of foreman.
FRANCOPHILEfrancophile n. Alternative letter-case form of Francophile.
francophile adj. Alternative letter-case form of Francophile.
Francophile n. One who loves France, the French people, or French culture.
FRANCOPHILSFRANCOPHIL n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHILE.
FRANCOPHOBEFrancophobe n. One who dislikes France, the French, or French culture.
FRANCOPHOBE n. a hater of things French.
FRANCOPHONEfrancophone adj. Alternative letter-case form of Francophone.
francophone n. Alternative letter-case form of Francophone.
Francophone adj. French-speaking.
HOPEFULNESShopefulness n. The property of being hopeful.
HOPEFULNESS n. the state of being hopeful.
INFOGRAPHICinfographic n. A visual representation of information.
infographic adj. Relating to infography.
INFOGRAPHIC n. a graph, diagram, or other visual image designed to present complex information in an easily understandable form.
INFOSPHERESinfospheres n. Plural of infosphere.
INFOSPHERE n. the business of collecting (esp. electronic) information.
PHENFORMINSPHENFORMIN n. a biguanide administered orally in the treatment of diabetes to lower blood levels of glucose.
PHONOFIDDLEphonofiddle n. A Stroh violin.
PHONOFIDDLE n. a one-stringed musical instrument which emits sounds through a metal amplifying horn.
SHOPLIFTINGshoplifting n. (Uncountable) The action of stealing goods from a shop; the action of the verb shoplift.
shoplifting n. (Countable) A theft from a shop during trading hours.
shoplifting v. Present participle of shoplift.
THORNPROOFSthornproofs n. (Dated) Thornproof trousers.
THORNPROOFS n. garments that resist penetration by thorns.
UNHOPEFULLYunhopefully adv. In an unhopeful manner.
UNHOPEFUL adv. not hopeful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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