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There are 20 ten-letter words containing F, N, O, S and Y

BOYFRIENDSboyfriends n. Plural of boyfriend.
boy-friends n. Plural of boy-friend.
boy␣friends n. Plural of boy friend.
CANDYFLOSScandyfloss n. Alternative spelling of candy floss.
candy␣floss n. (UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia) Heated sugar spun into thin threads and collected into a mass…
CANDYFLOSS n. a fluffy ball of spun sugar, coloured and flavoured, sold on the end of a stick.
CONFUSEDLYconfusedly adv. In a confused manner.
CONFUSED adv. CONFUSE, to mix up mentally.
CONSIGNIFYconsignify v. To signify or denote in combination with something else.
CONSIGNIFY v. to signify or denote in combination with something else.
FANCYWORKSfancyworks n. Plural of fancywork.
FANCYWORK n. ornamental needlework.
FARINOSELYFARINOSE adv. resembling or yielding flour.
FESTOONERYfestoonery n. That which is festooned; hanging ornamentation.
FESTOONERY n. festoons collectively.
FLYPOSTINGflyposting n. Alternative form of fly-posting.
flyposting v. Present participle of flypost.
fly-posting n. The act of posting posters in prohibited or illegal areas, especially for advertisement purposes.
FOLKSONOMYfolksonomy n. (Internet, uncountable) The spontaneous cooperation of a group of people to organize information into…
folksonomy n. (Internet, countable) A user-generated taxonomy.
FOLKSONOMY n. a system of classification that makes use of terms that occur naturally in the language of users of the system.
FORESAYINGforesaying v. Present participle of foresay.
FORESAY v. to foretell.
FORSAKENLYforsakenly adv. In a deserted manner; by itself; alone.
forsakenly adv. (Rare) helplessly.
FORSAKEN adv. FORSAKE, to quit or leave entirely.
GYRFALCONSgyrfalcons n. Plural of gyrfalcon.
GYRFALCON n. a heavy, powerful falcon of cold northerly regions, also GERFALCON, JERFALCON.
INFAMOUSLYinfamously adv. In an infamous manner.
infamously adv. Famously, known for being.
INFAMOUS adv. having a vile reputation.
JOYFULNESSjoyfulness n. The state of being joyful.
JOYFULNESS n. the state of being joyful.
MOSKONFYTSMOSKONFYT n. (South African) a thick syrup made from grapes.
PROSIFYINGprosifying v. Present participle of prosify.
PROSIFY v. to write prose.
SCOFFINGLYscoffingly adv. In a scoffing manner; scornfully.
SCOFFING adv. scornful.
SCORIFYINGscorifying v. Present participle of scorify.
SCORIFY v. to reduce to scoria.
SCORNFULLYscornfully adv. In a scornful manner.
SCORNFUL adv. expressing contempt.
YELLOWFINSyellowfins n. Plural of yellowfin.
YELLOWFIN n. a kind of tuna with yellowish fins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 109 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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