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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing F, 2N and 2U

ANGUIFAUNAANGUIFAUNA n. (Latin) the snakes of a region.
DUNDERFUNKdunderfunk n. (Obsolete, nautical) ship’s biscuit broken up, mixed with molasses etc. and baked.
DUNDERFUNK n. ship's biscuit soaked in water and mixed with fat and molasses, also DANDYFUNK.
UNAFFLUENTunaffluent adj. Not affluent.
UNAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
UNCONFUSEDunconfused v. Simple past tense and past participle of unconfuse.
unconfused adj. Not confused.
UNCONFUSE v. to remove the confusion from.
UNCONFUSESunconfuses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unconfuse.
UNCONFUSE v. to remove the confusion from.
UNDERFUNDSunderfunds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underfund.
UNDERFUND v. to fund inadequately.
UNEVENTFULuneventful adj. Monotonous; lacking significant or noteworthy events.
UNEVENTFUL adj. marked by no noteworthy or untoward incidents.
UNFLUSHINGunflushing adj. That does not flush.
UNFLUSH v. to lose colour.
UNFORTUNEDunfortuned adj. Lacking a fortune; without personal wealth.
UNFORTUNED adj. without a fortune.
UNFORTUNESunfortunes n. Plural of unfortune.
UNFORTUNE n. (archaic) ill-fortune.
UNFOUGHTENUNFOUGHTEN adj. (archaic) without having been fought e.g. the army departed unfoughten.
UNFREQUENTunfrequent adj. Not frequent; not common; not happening often; infrequent.
unfrequent v. (Transitive) To stop frequenting; cease to frequent.
UNFREQUENT adj. not frequent, also INFREQUENT.
UNFUNNIESTunfunniest adj. Superlative form of unfunny: most unfunny.
UNFUNNY adj. not funny.
UNMANFULLYunmanfully adv. In an unmanful manner.
UNMANFUL adv. not manful.
UNMUFFLINGunmuffling v. Present participle of unmuffle.
UNMUFFLE v. to free from something that muffles.
UNRUFFLINGunruffling v. Present participle of unruffle.
unruffling adj. Not creating ruffles or stress.
UNRUFFLE v. to recover from ruffling.
UNTHANKFULunthankful adj. Not thankful; ungrateful.
UNTHANKFUL adj. not thankful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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