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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing F, G, P, R and T

FINGERPOSTfingerpost n. A board that shows the direction (and often distance) to a named place; especially one of several attached…
fingerpost n. The milepost itself.
finger-post n. A signpost.
FINGERTIPSfingertips n. Plural of fingertip.
FINGERTIP n. the end of the finger.
FRONTPAGEDFRONTPAGE v. to put on the front page of a newspaper.
FRONTPAGESfrontpages n. Plural of frontpage.
front-pages n. Plural of front-page.
front␣pages n. Plural of front page.
GRAPEFRUITgrapefruit n. The tree of the species Citrus paradisi, a hybrid of pomelo (Citrus maxima) and sweet orange.
grapefruit n. The large spherical tart fruit produced by this tree.
GRAPEFRUIT n. a large, round, yellow-skinned citrus fruit, so called because it grows in large bunches like grapes.
LIGHTPROOFlightproof adj. Sealed so that no light can enter.
LIGHTPROOF adj. impervious to light, also LIGHTTIGHT.
PERFECTINGperfecting v. Present participle of perfect.
perfecting n. (Printing) The process of printing on both sides of the printed-on material during its single pass through…
PERFECT v. to make faultless.
PETRIFYINGpetrifying adj. Causing immense fear; extremely scary.
petrifying v. Present participle of petrify.
PETRIFY v. to convert into a stony substance.
PREFLIGHTSpreflights n. Plural of preflight.
PREFLIGHT v. to inspect an aircraft before flight.
PREFULGENTPREFULGENT adj. extremely bright.
PRESIFTINGpresifting v. Present participle of presift.
PRESIFT v. to sift beforehand.
PRIZEFIGHTprizefight n. A professional boxing match, in which two boxers compete for a prize (usually money).
PRIZEFIGHT n. a professional boxing match.
PROFITINGSprofitings n. Plural of profiting.
PROFITING n. the act of profiting.
PROFLIGATEprofligate adj. Inclined to waste resources or behave extravagantly.
profligate adj. Immoral; abandoned to vice.
profligate adj. (Obsolete) Overthrown, ruined.
PROFULGENTprofulgent adj. (Obsolete) Shining forth; brilliant; effulgent.
PROFULGENT adj. shining out; radiant.
PUTREFYINGputrefying v. Present participle of putrefy.
PUTREFY v. to make or become putrid.
SPRIGHTFULsprightful adj. Sprightly; spirited; lively; animated.
SPRIGHTFUL adj. (obsolete) full of spirit or of life.
TORPEFYINGtorpefying v. Present participle of torpefy.
TORPEFY v. to make numb or torpid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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