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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing F, G, N and 2U

ANGUIFAUNAANGUIFAUNA n. (Latin) the snakes of a region.
FULIGINOUSfuliginous adj. Pertaining to or resembling soot in such features as colour, texture or taste; sooty, dusky.
FULIGINOUS adj. sooty; having a dark or dusky color.
HUMGRUFFINhumgruffin n. (Archaic) A savage or terrible person.
humgruffin n. (Archaic) An obnoxious, whinging, or peevish person.
HUMGRUFFIN n. a terrible person, also HUMGRUFFIAN.
NIDIFUGOUSnidifugous adj. (Biology, of a bird) That leaves the nest shortly after hatching.
NIDIFUGOUS adj. leaving the nest soon after hatching.
UNFLUSHINGunflushing adj. That does not flush.
UNFLUSH v. to lose colour.
UNFOUGHTENUNFOUGHTEN adj. (archaic) without having been fought e.g. the army departed unfoughten.
UNGRACEFULungraceful adj. (Colloquial, nonstandard) Not graceful; lacking grace.
UNGRACEFUL adj. not graceful.
UNGRATEFULungrateful adj. Not grateful; not expressing gratitude.
ungrateful n. A person who fails to show gratitude; an ingrate.
UNGRATEFUL adj. showing no gratitude, also INGRATEFUL.
UNMUFFLINGunmuffling v. Present participle of unmuffle.
UNMUFFLE v. to free from something that muffles.
UNRIGHTFULunrightful adj. Not rightful.
UNRIGHTFUL adj. not rightful.
UNRUFFLINGunruffling v. Present participle of unruffle.
unruffling adj. Not creating ruffles or stress.
UNRUFFLE v. to recover from ruffling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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