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There are 15 words containing F, U and 2Y

YUPPIFYyuppify v. (Often derogatory) To redevelop (an urban area or commercial premises) so as to attract affluent young…
YUPPIFY v. to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies.
JOYFULLYjoyfully adv. In a joyful manner; joyously.
JOYFUL adv. full of joy.
PLAYFULLYplayfully adv. In a playful manner.
PLAYFUL adv. full of fun.
DYSFLUENCYdysfluency n. Alternative form of disfluency.
SULFHYDRYLsulfhydryl n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent radical -SH that is the sulfur analogue of hydroxyl and constitutes the thiol group.
SULFHYDRYL n. a chemical group, SH, characteristic of sulphur-containing compounds, also SULPHHYDRYL.
YOUTHFULLYyouthfully adv. In a youthful manner.
YOUTHFUL adv. young.
YUPPIFYINGyuppifying v. Present participle of yuppify.
YUPPIFY v. to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies.
DISMAYFULLYdismayfully adv. (Rare) In dismay.
DISMAYFUL adv. terrifying.
PRAYERFULLYprayerfully adv. In a prayerful manner; with prayer and reverence.
PRAYERFUL adv. given to prayer.
SULFHYDRYLSsulfhydryls n. Plural of sulfhydryl.
SULFHYDRYL n. a chemical group, SH, characteristic of sulphur-containing compounds, also SULPHHYDRYL.
TYPEFOUNDRYtype␣foundry n. A company that designs and/or distributes typefaces.
TYPEFOUNDRY n. a place where type is cast.
STUPEFYINGLYstupefyingly adv. In a stupefying manner.
STUPEFYING adv. STUPEFY, to dull the senses of.
UNEDIFYINGLYSorry, definition not available.
GYROFREQUENCYgyrofrequency n. (Physics) The frequency of the circular motion of a charged particle in the presence of a uniform magnetic field.
GYROFREQUENCY n. the frequency with which a charged particle (as an electron) executes spiral gyrations in moving obliquely across a magnetic field.
UNFLAMBOYANTLYunflamboyantly adv. In an unflamboyant manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 271 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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