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There are 18 words containing F, M, S and X

AFFIXMENTSaffixments n. Plural of affixment.
AFFIXMENT n. something affixed, also AFFIXTURE.
CIRCUMFLEXEScircumflexes n. Plural of circumflex.
CIRCUMFLEX n. a mark used over a vowel in certain languages or in phonetic keys to indicate quality of pronunciation.
CIRCUMFLEXIONScircumflexions n. Plural of circumflexion.
CIRCUMFLEXION n. a bending round.
COMPLEXIFIEScomplexifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of complexify.
COMPLEXIFY v. to render complex.
EXEMPLIFIERSexemplifiers n. Plural of exemplifier.
EXEMPLIFIER n. one who exemplifies.
EXEMPLIFIESexemplifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exemplify.
EXEMPLIFY v. to serve as an example.
FAUXMANCESfauxmances n. Plural of fauxmance.
FAUXMANCE n. (colloquial) a fake romance between two celebrities in order to gain press coverage.
FLEXITARIANISMflexitarianism n. (US) The practice of eating mainly vegetarian food, but making occasional exceptions for social, pragmatic…
FLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons.
FLEXITARIANISMSFLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons.
FLEXITIMESflexitimes n. Plural of flexitime.
FLEXITIME n. a system that allows flexible working hours, also FLEXTIME.
FLEXTIMERSFLEXTIMER n. one who works flextime.
FLEXTIMESFLEXTIME n. a system that allows flexible working hours, also FLEXITIME.
FLUMMOXESflummoxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flummox.
FLUMMOX v. to confuse.
FLUVOXAMINESFLUVOXAMINE n. an antidepressant predominantly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.
FLUXMETERSFLUXMETER n. any instrument for measuring magnetic flux.
METHOXYFLURANESmethoxyfluranes n. Plural of methoxyflurane.
METHOXYFLURANE n. a potent general anaesthetic administered as a vapor.
SEMIFLEXIBLEsemiflexible adj. Partially flexible (and partially rigid).
SEMIFLEXIBLE adj. somewhat flexible.
TAMOXIFENStamoxifens n. Plural of tamoxifen.
TAMOXIFEN n. a drug which inhibits the effects of oestrogen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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