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There are 20 words containing F, G and 2M

FLAMMINGflamming v. Present participle of flam.
FLAM v. to deceive.
BEFLUMMINGBEFLUM v. (Scott) to befool, cajole.
FILMMAKINGfilmmaking n. The activity of preparing edited video works, formerly principally films, whether for entertainment or other purposes.
filmmaking n. The manufacture of physical film.
film␣making n. Alternative spelling of filmmaking.
FLUMMOXINGflummoxing v. Present participle of flummox.
flummoxing adj. Confusing, flustering, flabbergasting.
FLUMMOX v. to confuse.
MISFORMINGmisforming v. Present participle of misform.
MISFORM v. to make in an ill form.
MISFRAMINGmisframing v. Present participle of misframe.
misframing n. The act of framing something incorrectly.
MISFRAME v. to frame badly.
MUMMIFYINGmummifying v. Present participle of mummify.
MUMMIFY v. to preserve by embalming, also MUMMY.
AMMONIFYINGammonifying v. Present participle of ammonify.
AMMONIFY v. to treat with ammonia.
FILMMAKINGSfilmmakings n. Plural of filmmaking.
FILMMAKING n. the making of films.
GEMMIFEROUSgemmiferous adj. (Biology) Producing gemmae or buds.
gemmiferous adj. (Biology) Multiplying by means of buds.
GEMMIFEROUS adj. bearing gemmae.
GUMMIFEROUSgummiferous adj. That produces gum (or latex etc).
GUMMIFEROUS adj. producing gum.
COMMODIFYINGcommodifying v. Present participle of commodify.
COMMODIFY v. to make a commodity of something.
FLIMFLAMMINGflimflamming v. Present participle of flimflam.
FLIMFLAM v. to engage in confidence trickery.
MICROFILMINGmicrofilming v. Present participle of microfilm.
MICROFILM v. to make a microfilm copy of, a photographic film with one or more very small images of printed or other graphic matter.
MISINFORMINGmisinforming v. Present participle of misinform.
MISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also DISINFORM.
THERMOFORMINGthermoforming n. Manufacturing process where a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a…
thermoforming v. Present participle of thermoform.
THERMOFORM v. to give a final shape to plastics by heat and pressure.
FERRIMAGNETISMferrimagnetism n. (Physics) a form of antiferromagnetism in which some magnetization remains below a critical temperature…
FERRIMAGNETISM n. the state of being ferrimagnetic.
FERROMAGNETISMferromagnetism n. (Physics) The phenomenon whereby certain substances can become permanent magnets when subjected to a magnetic field.
FERROMAGNETISM n. the state of being ferromagnetic.
FERRIMAGNETISMSFERRIMAGNETISM n. the state of being ferrimagnetic.
FERROMAGNETISMSferromagnetisms n. Plural of ferromagnetism.
FERROMAGNETISM n. the state of being ferromagnetic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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