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There are 20 nine-letter words containing F, I and 2P

DIPPERFULdipperful n. (US) As much as a dipper will hold; a cupful.
DIPPERFUL n. the contents of a dipper.
FEEDPIPESFEEDPIPE n. a pipe through which something is supplied to a machine or system, for instance steam to an engine, or oil to a tank.
FIPPENCESfippences n. Plural of fippence.
FIPPENCE n. (colloquial) fivepence, a coin worth five pence.
FLAPPIESTflappiest adj. Superlative form of flappy: most flappy.
FLAPPY adj. flapping.
FLAPPINGSflappings n. Plural of flapping.
FLAPPING n. the act of flapping.
FLIPFLOPSflipflops n. Plural of flipflop.
flipflops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flipflop.
flip-flops n. Plural of flip-flop.
FLIPPANCYflippancy n. A disrespectful levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters.
FLIPPANCY n. the state of being flippant.
FLIPPIESTflippiest adj. Superlative form of flippy: most flippy.
FLIPPY adj. flaring at the bottom.
FLIPPINGSFLIPPING n. the act of throwing with a brisk motion.
FLOPPIESTfloppiest adj. Superlative form of floppy: most floppy.
FLOPPY adj. soft and flexible.
FOPPERIESfopperies n. Plural of foppery.
FOPPERY n. dandyish behaviour.
FOPPISHLYfoppishly adv. In a foppish way.
FOPPISH adv. characteristic of a dandy.
FRIPPERERfripperer n. (Obsolete) A fripper; one who deals in frippery or old clothes.
FRIPPERER n. (archaic) one who deals in frippery or in old clothes, also FRIPPER.
HALFPIPEShalfpipes n. Plural of halfpipe.
half-pipes n. Plural of half-pipe.
half␣pipes n. Plural of half pipe.
PICKPROOFpickproof adj. (Of a lock) Resistant to being picked.
PICKPROOF adj. of a lock, proof against picking.
PULPIFIEDpulpified v. Simple past tense and past participle of pulpify.
PULPIFY v. to reduce to pulp.
PULPIFIESpulpifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pulpify.
PULPIFY v. to reduce to pulp.
PUPFISHESpupfishes n. Plural of pupfish.
PUPFISH n. a small, freshwater fish, native to the warmer waters of the western US.
YUPPIFIEDyuppified v. Simple past tense and past participle of yuppify.
YUPPIFY v. to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies.
YUPPIFIESyuppifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of yuppify.
YUPPIFY v. to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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