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There are 17 nine-letter words containing F, G, P and U

BEPUFFINGbepuffing v. Present participle of bepuff.
BEPUFF v. (archaic) to puff out, to praise to excess.
FIREPLUGSfireplugs n. Plural of fireplug.
FIREPLUG n. a fire-hydrant.
FRUMPLINGfrumpling v. Present participle of frumple.
FRUMPLE v. (dialect) to wrinkle.
GOWPENFULgowpenful n. (Chiefly Scotland) Enough to fill a gowpen; a double handful.
GOWPENFUL n. (Scots) a double handful.
PERFUMINGperfuming v. Present participle of perfume.
PERFUME v. to fill with a fragrant odour.
PERFUSINGperfusing v. Present participle of perfuse.
PERFUSE v. to diffuse through or over.
PLIGHTFULplightful adj. Full of risk or danger; risky; dangerous; perilous.
plightful adj. Full of plight; plighted; pledged; devoted.
plightful adj. Indicating plight; dire; grim; grievous.
PREFIGUREprefigure v. To show or suggest ahead of time; to represent beforehand (often used in a Biblical context).
prefigure v. To predict or foresee.
prefigure n. That which prefigures or appears to predict; a harbinger.
PUFFINGLYpuffingly adj. In a puffing manner.
PURFLINGSpurflings n. Plural of purfling.
PURFLING n. ornamentation on the edges of a violin.
PURIFYINGpurifying v. Present participle of purify.
purifying n. An act of purification.
PURIFY v. to cleanse from impurities.
UPFILLINGupfilling v. Present participle of upfill.
upfilling n. (Geology) A rock formation that fills the lower part of a hollow or valley.
UPFILLING n. the act of filling up.
UPFLOWINGupflowing v. Present participle of upflow.
UPFLOW v. to flow up.
UPFOLDINGupfolding v. Present participle of upfold.
upfolding n. A folding upward.
upfolding n. (Geology) An upfold or anticline.
UPFURLINGupfurling v. Present participle of upfurl.
UPFURL v. to roll up.
UPLIFTINGuplifting adj. Improving the mood; causing cheerfulness.
uplifting n. The act of something being lifted upward.
UPLIFTING adj. inspiring.
UPWAFTINGupwafting v. Present participle of upwaft.
UPWAFT v. to waft upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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