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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2F, H and N

CHAFFINCHchaffinch n. A small passerine bird, Fringilla coelebs, of the finch family, found throughout Europe and eastward…
CHAFFINCH n. a bird of the finch family.
CHAFFINGSchaffings n. Plural of chaffing.
CHAFFING n. the act of teasing.
CHAFFRONSchaffrons n. Plural of chaffron.
CHAFFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAMFRAIN, CHAMFRON, CHANFRON.
CHAUFFINGchauffing v. Present participle of chauf.
chauffing v. Present participle of chauff.
CHAUFF v. (Spenser) to chafe, also CHAUFE.
CLIFFHANGcliffhang v. (Intransitive) To be in suspense.
CLIFFHANG v. to keep a reader in suspense.
CLIFFHUNGcliffhung v. Simple past tense and past participle of cliffhang.
CLIFFHANG v. to keep a reader in suspense.
FIFTEENTHfifteenth adj. The ordinal form of the number fifteen.
fifteenth n. The person or thing in the fifteenth position.
fifteenth n. One of fifteen equal parts of a whole.
FINFISHESfinfishes n. Plural of finfish.
FINFISH n. a finback whale, also FINBACK, FINNER.
FRENCHIFYfrenchify v. (Transitive) To make French or more French-like in any way.
frenchify v. (Intransitive) To become French or more French-like.
frenchify v. (Transitive, uncommon) Synonym of gallicize, to translate into the French language.
HANDCUFFShandcuffs n. A fastening consisting of two metal rings, designed to go around a person’s wrists, and connected by…
handcuffs n. Plural of handcuff.
handcuffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handcuff.
HANDSTAFFhandstaff n. The part of a flail that is held in the hand.
handstaff n. (Obsolete) A weapon mentioned in the Bible (Ezekiel), perhaps a javelin.
HANDSTAFF n. a staff-like handle e.g. of a flail.
HUFFINESShuffiness n. The property of being huffy.
HUFFINESS n. the state of being huffy.
OFFHANDEDoffhanded adj. In a casual or curt style, without preparation or thought; Impromptu, offhand.
off-handed adj. Alternative form of offhanded.
off-handed adj. Involving the use of the left or non-dominant hand.
SHROFFINGshroffing v. Present participle of shroff.
SHROFF v. (Arabic) to test coins for authenticity.
SHUFFLINGshuffling v. Present participle of shuffle.
shuffling n. The act or motion of one who shuffles.
shuffling n. The noise created by something moving about.
WHIFFINGSwhiffings n. Plural of whiffing.
WHIFFING n. the action of fishing from a boat with a hand line.
WHIFFLINGwhiffling v. Present participle of whiffle.
whiffling n. Aimless talk; waffle.
whiffling n. A breathy noise, as of a horse or a bird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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