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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing F, 2P and R

APPROOFSapproofs n. Plural of approof.
APPROOF n. (archaic) the act of proving; approbation.
FLAPPERSflappers n. Plural of flapper.
FLAPPER n. a flighty young woman.
FLAPPIERflappier adj. Comparative form of flappy: more flappy.
FLAPPY adj. flapping.
FLIPPERSflippers n. Plural of flipper.
FLIPPER n. a flat limb for swimming e.g. turtle or penguin.
FLIPPIERflippier adj. Comparative form of flippy: more flippy.
FLIPPY adj. flaring at the bottom.
FLOPPERSfloppers n. Plural of flopper.
FLOPPER n. something or someone that flops.
FLOPPIERfloppier adj. Comparative form of floppy: more floppy.
FLOPPY adj. soft and flexible.
FLYPAPERflypaper n. A strip of paper coated with a sticky, often poisonous, substance that catches and kills flies that land on it.
flypaper v. To cause something to become stuck with, or as if with, flypaper.
fly-paper n. Alternative form of flypaper.
FRAPPANTFRAPPANT adj. (French) striking.
FRAPPINGfrapping v. Present participle of frap.
frapping n. (Nautical, usually in the plural) Rope lashed tightly over the rigging or other area.
FRAP v. to draw tight (as with ropes or cables).
FRIPPERSfrippers n. Plural of fripper.
FRIPPER n. (archaic) one who deals in frippery or in old clothes, also FRIPPERER.
FRIPPERYfrippery n. Ostentation, as in fancy clothing.
frippery n. Useless things; trifles.
frippery n. (Obsolete) Cast-off clothes.
FRIPPETSfrippets n. Plural of frippet.
FRIPPET n. a frivolous or flamboyant young woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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