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There are 19 eight-letter words containing F, G, M and O

FILMGOERfilmgoer n. (Chiefly Britain) Person who regularly frequents movie theaters.
film-goer n. Alternative form of filmgoer.
FILMGOER n. one who goes to see motion pictures.
FLAMINGOflamingo n. A wading bird of the family Phoenicopteridae.
flamingo n. A deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
flamingo adj. Of a deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
FOAMINGSfoamings n. Plural of foaming.
FOAMING n. the act of foaming.
FOGEYDOMfogeydom n. The state of being a fogey.
FOGEYDOM n. the world of fogies, also FOGYDOM.
FOGEYISMfogeyism n. Alternative form of fogyism.
FOGEYISM n. an outlook like a fogy, also FOGYISM.
FOGYDOMSFOGYDOM n. the world of fogies, also FOGEYDOM.
FOGYISMSfogyisms n. Plural of fogyism.
FOGYISM n. an outlook like a fogy, also FOGEYISM.
FORGEMANforgeman n. A person who works at a forge. A blacksmith on a large scale.
FORGEMAN n. an iron worker.
FORGEMENforgemen n. Plural of forgeman.
FORGEMAN n. an iron worker.
FORMINGSformings n. Plural of forming.
FORMING n. the process of forming.
FROMAGESfromages n. Plural of fromage.
FROMAGE n. (French) cheese.
GAMEFOWLgamefowl n. A gamebird.
GAMEFOWL n. a gamecock.
GASIFORMgasiform adj. Having the form of a gas; gaseous.
GASIFORM adj. having the form of gas.
GLOOMFULgloomful adj. (Archaic or poetic) gloomy.
GLOOMFUL adj. full of gloom.
GRUIFORMgruiform adj. (Zoology) Resembling the Gruiformes, an order of birds including the crane.
gruiform n. (Zoology) Any member of the Gruiformes.
GRUIFORM adj. designating an order of birds.
LONGFORMlongform adj. (Advertising, of a television advertisement) Running for a relatively long time, typically more than two minutes.
longform adj. (Journalism, broadcasting) Longer and more detailed than is normal.
long-form adj. (Journalism) Alternative form of longform.
MEGAFLOPmegaflop n. (Computing) megaflops (one million FLOPS, or floating point operations per second).
megaflop n. (Informal) A major flop; a film or other production that is a great failure.
MEGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed in terms of number of floating point operations per second.
MEGAFOGSMEGAFOG n. a fog signal with megaphones pointing in several directions.
MINIGOLFminigolf n. Miniature golf.
MINIGOLF n. a game similar to golf played on a small obstacle course.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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