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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2F and 2T

FIFTIETHfiftieth adj. The ordinal form of the number fifty.
fiftieth n. The person or thing in the fiftieth position.
fiftieth n. One of fifty equal parts of a whole.
FLATFEETflatfeet n. Plural of flatfoot.
flat␣feet n. A physical condition of the feet where the sole of the foot is in full contact with the ground, either…
FLATFOOT n. a foot condition.
FLATFOOTflatfoot n. (Medicine, chiefly in the plural) A condition in which the arch of the foot makes contact with the ground.
flatfoot n. A person having the above condition.
flatfoot n. (Colloquial, archaic, derogatory, law enforcement) (plural typically flatfoots) A policeman.
MOFFETTEmoffette n. Alternative form of mofetta.
MOFFETTE n. (French) a fissure in the earth emitting carbon dioxide, also MOFETTE.
STIFFESTstiffest adj. Superlative form of stiff: most stiff Most rigid, most inflexible, most unbending.
STIFF adj. rigid.
TAFFETAStaffetas n. Plural of taffeta.
TAFFETAS n. a thin glossy silk, also TAFFETA.
TARTUFFEtartuffe n. A religious hypocrite.
TARTUFFE n. (French) a hypocrite, esp. one who affects religious piety, also TARTUFE.
TIPSTAFFtipstaff n. A ceremonial staff, with a metal tip, carried by a constable or bailiff etc as a sign of office.
tipstaff n. An officer, of a court etc. who carries such a staff.
TIPSTAFF n. an attendant in a law court.
TOFFIESTtoffiest adj. Superlative form of toffy: most toffy.
TOFFY adj. like a toff, posh.
TRIFFESTTRIFF adj. (slang) terrific, excellent, also TRIFFIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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