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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing F, O, T and W

BATFOWLBATFOWL v. to catch birds at night by confusing them with light.
FANWORTfanwort n. Any of the genus Cabomba of aquatic plants, having divided submerged leaves in the shape of a fan.
FANWORT n. an aquatic plant, aka cabomba.
FATWOODfatwood n. A heartwood of pine trees, impregnated with resin, useful in the manufacture of pitch and pine tar.
FATWOOD n. wood used for kindling.
FELWORTfelwort n. A European herb, Swertia perennis (star swertia), of the gentian family.
felwort n. Any member of any species in genus Swertia.
felwort n. Any member of any species in the tribe Gentianeae.
FIGWORTfigwort n. Any of various woodland herbs and shrubs of the genus Scrophularia.
figwort n. (Archaic) Ficaria verna, formerly Ranunculus ficaria.
FIGWORT n. a plant of the snapdragon family.
FOOTWAYfootway n. A passage for pedestrians only.
FOOTWAY n. a passage for pedestrians only.
FORWENTforwent v. Simple past tense of forgo.
FORGO v. to refrain from.
FROWSTSfrowsts n. Plural of frowst.
frowsts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frowst.
FROWST v. to luxuriate in hot stuffiness.
FROWSTYfrowsty adj. (UK) musty; stuffy (atmosphere).
FROWSTY adj. fusty, stuffy, also FROUZY, FROWSY, FROWZY.
OUTFAWNoutfawn v. (Transitive, rare) To exceed in fawning.
OUTFAWN v. to surpass in fawning.
OUTFLEWoutflew v. Simple past tense of outfly.
OUTFLY v. to surpass in speed of flight.
OUTFLOWoutflow n. The process of flowing out.
outflow n. A fluid that flows out.
outflow n. Any outward movement.
TWIFOLDtwifold adj. (Archaic) Twofold.
twifold adv. (Archaic) In a twofold manner or measure.
TWOFERStwofers n. Plural of twofer.
TWOFER n. something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one.
TWOFOLDtwofold adj. Double; duplicate; multiplied by two.
twofold adj. Having two parts, especially two different parts.
twofold adv. In a double degree; doubly.
TWYFOLDtwyfold adj. (Archaic) Twofold.
twyfold adv. (Archaic) Twofold.
WEBFOOTwebfoot n. A foot that has toes connected by folds of skin.
webfoot n. A web-footed animal.
WEBFOOT n. a foot with the toes joined.
WITLOOFwitloof n. (Cooking) Belgian endive, common chicory (Cichorium intybus).
WITLOOF n. (Dutch) a kind of chicory with white leaves.
WOOLFATwoolfat n. Alternative spelling of wool fat.
wool-fat n. Alternative spelling of wool fat.
wool␣fat n. Lanolin.
WOWFESTWOWF adj. (Scots) crazy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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