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There are 9 seven-letter words containing F, M and 2U

BUMFUCKbumfuck adj. (Vulgar slang, derogatory) Isolated and neglected, undesirable, or held in contempt.
bumfuck v. (Vulgar slang) To fuck anally.
bumfuck n. (Vulgar slang) Anal sex.
FAMULUSfamulus n. A close attendant or assistant, especially of a magician or occult scholar.
FAMULUS n. (Latin) an assistant, esp. to a magician or a scholar.
FRUSTUMfrustum n. A cone or pyramid whose tip has been truncated by a plane parallel to its base.
frustum n. A portion of a sphere, or in general any solid, delimited by two parallel planes.
FRUSTUM n. (Latin) a cone with its top cut of.
FULCRUMfulcrum n. (Mechanics) The support about which a lever pivots.
fulcrum n. (Figurative) A crux or pivot; a central point.
Fulcrum prop.n. (Military) NATO code name for the Soviet MiG-29 aircraft.
FUMULUSfumulus n. A very thin cloud resembling a veil, especially one formed of water droplets from a rising plume (from…
FUMULUS n. (Latin) a thin cloud.
FUSUMASfusumas n. Plural of fusuma.
FUSUMA n. (Japanese) a sliding door.
MUGFULSmugfuls n. Plural of mugful.
MUGFUL n. as much as a mug can hold.
MUSEFULmuseful adj. Meditative; thoughtfully silent.
MUSEFUL adj. meditative; thoughtfully silent.
UNFUMEDunfumed adj. Not exposed to fumes; not fumigated.
unfumed adj. (Obsolete) Undistilled.
UNFUMED adj. not fumigated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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