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There are 15 seven-letter words containing F, L, P and T

CATFLAPcatflap n. Alternative spelling of cat flap.
cat-flap n. Alternative form of cat flap.
cat␣flap n. Small hinged panel, usually cut into a door, with an opening just big enough for a cat to enter.
FLATCAPflatcap n. Alternative form of flat cap (“headgear”).
flat␣cap n. A man’s cap made from wool, tweed, or other soft material. It has a small peak and fits snugly on the head.
flat␣cap n. Cap paper, not folded.
FLATTOPflattop n. (US) A short haircut in which the hair is brushed straight up then cut flat across the top.
flattop n. (US, navy, informal) An aircraft carrier.
flattop n. (Music) A type of stringed instrument, most often an acoustic guitar, with a flat top (as opposed to…
FLEAPITfleapit n. Alternative spelling of flea pit.
flea␣pit n. (Colloquial) A dilapidated building, stereotypically hosting a low-grade cinema.
FLEAPIT n. (slang) a low-class cinema.
FLYPASTflypast n. (Britain) A low-level flight of a ceremonial nature; a flyover (US).
fly-past n. Alternative form of flypast.
FLYPAST n. a flight, at low altitude or close range, also FLYBY.
FLYTRAPflytrap n. A trap for catching flies.
flytrap n. The Venus flytrap, an insectivorous plant.
flytrap n. The spreading dogbane.
PESTFULpestful adj. Pestiferous.
PESTFUL adj. pestilential.
PITFALLpitfall n. (Figurative) A potential, unsuspected, hidden problem, hazard, or danger that is easily encountered…
pitfall n. (Literally) A type of trap consisting of a concealed pit in the ground, which the victim is supposed…
pitfall n. (Computing) An antipattern.
PITHFULpithful adj. Full of pith.
PITHFUL adj. full of pith.
PITIFULpitiful adj. (Now rare) Feeling pity; merciful.
pitiful adj. So appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it; eliciting pity.
pitiful adj. Of an amount or number: very small.
PLOTFULplotful adj. Abounding with plots; scheming.
PLOTFUL adj. conspiratorial.
POTFULSpotfuls n. Plural of potful.
POTFUL n. as much as a pot can hold.
POUTFULpoutful adj. Pouty.
POUTFUL adj. pouty, sulky.
TOPFULLtopfull adj. Full to the top.
TOPFULL adj. (Shakespeare) full to the top.
UPLIFTSuplifts n. Plural of uplift.
uplifts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uplift.
UPLIFT v. to lift up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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