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There are 12 seven-letter words containing F, L, O and X

BOXFULSboxfuls n. Plural of boxful.
BOXFUL n. as much as a box can hold.
CONFLUXconflux n. A merger of rivers, or the place where rivers merge.
conflux n. A convergence or moving gathering of forces, people, or things.
CONFLUX n. a flowing together of streams.
FLEXIONflexion n. The act of bending a joint, especially a bone joint; the counteraction of extension.
flexion n. The state of being bent or flexed.
flexion n. Deviation from straightness.
FLEXORSflexors n. Plural of flexor.
FLEXOR n. a muscle that bends part of the body.
FLUMMOXflummox v. (Intransitive) To confuse; to fluster; to flabbergast.
flummox v. (Intransitive, uncommon) To give in, to give up, to collapse.
FLUMMOX v. to confuse.
FLUXIONfluxion n. (Obsolete, mathematics) The derivative of a function.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) The action of flowing.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) A difference or variation.
FOWLPOXfowlpox n. A disease of poultry caused by viruses of the family Poxviridae and the genus Avipoxvirus.
FOWLPOX n. a virus disease of poultry.
FOXHOLEfoxhole n. The burrow in the ground where a fox lives.
foxhole n. (Military) A small pit dug into the ground as a shelter for protection against enemy fire.
foxhole v. (Transitive) To dig a military foxhole into, or convert into a foxhole by digging.
FOXLIKEfoxlike adj. Like a fox.
FOXLIKE adj. resembling a fox in his characteristic qualities; cunning.
FOXTAILfoxtail n. The tail of a fox.
foxtail n. A dry spikelet or spikelet seed and flower cluster of some grasses.
foxtail n. A plant having a part resembling the tail of a fox or such spikelet.
SEXFOILsexfoil n. (Heraldry) A stylized flower or leaf with six lobes.
sexfoil adj. Having six lobes.
SEXFOIL n. an ornamental design having six leaves or petals radiating from a common centre.
SIXFOLDsixfold adj. Having six component parts.
sixfold adv. Times six, multiplied by six.
SIXFOLD adj. being six times as great as.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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