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There are 18 seven-letter words containing F, K, S and U

FUCKERSfuckers n. Plural of fucker.
FUCKER n. a contemptible person.
FUCKUPSfuckups n. Plural of fuckup.
fuck-ups n. Plural of fuck-up.
fuck␣ups n. Plural of fuck up.
FUNKERSfunkers n. Plural of funker.
FUNKER n. one who funks.
FUNKIASfunkias n. Plural of funkia.
FUNKIA n. (German) any plant of an East Asiatic genus allied to the daylilies, now called hosta, also FUNCKIA.
FURKIDSfurkids n. Plural of furkid.
FURKID n. an animal kept as a companion.
FUSKERSfuskers n. Plural of fusker.
FUSKINGfusking n. (Computing) The use of a fusker.
FUSK v. to obtain data from (a website) by using a fusker.
KISTFULkistful n. (Scotland) A chestful.
KISTFUL n. as much as a chest can hold, also CHESTFUL.
LUTFISKLUTFISK n. dried codfish, also LUTEFISK.
RISKFULriskful adj. (Archaic) Full of risks; risky.
RISKFUL adj. dangerous, also RISKY.
SACKFULsackful n. The amount a sack will contain.
sackful n. (Figuratively) A large number or amount (of something).
sackful adj. (Obsolete) Intent on plunder.
SINKFULsinkful n. As much as a sink will hold.
SINKFUL n. the contents of a sink.
SKEPFULskepful n. Enough to fill a skep; a basketful.
SKEPFUL n. the contents of a skep.
SKILFULskilful adj. Non-US (including but not limited to Australian, British, Canadian, Irish, Jamaican, South African and…
SKILFUL adj. full of skill, also SKILFULL, SKILLFUL.
SKINFULskinful n. Enough to fill a skin.
skinful n. (Colloquial) Enough alcoholic drink to cause inebriation.
skinful n. (Slang) Plenty; a large amount.
SKYSURFskysurf v. To practice the sport of skysurfing.
SKYSURF v. to perform maneuvers during free fall while riding on a skyboard.
SUBFUSKsubfusk adj. Obsolete form of subfusc.
SUBFUSK adj. duskish; moderately dark, also SUBFUSCOUS.
SUBFUSK n. dark, formal clothes worn in combination with the academic gown, esp. at Oxford University, also SUBFUSC.
TURFSKIturf␣ski n. A kind of short ski on wheels, like a roller skate, that can be used on grass.
TURFSKI n. a type of ski.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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