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There are 18 seven-letter words containing F, H, N and U

FAUCHONfauchon n. Obsolete form of falchion.
FAUCHON n. a curved short sword with a broad blade, also FALCHION, FAUCHION, FAULCHION.
FLAUNCHflaunch v. (Transitive, construction) To provide with flaunching.
flaunch n. (Heraldry) Alternative form of flanch.
FLAUNCH v. to widen into a flared shape, also FLANCH.
FOXHUNTfoxhunt n. A hunt for foxes, usually with dogs.
foxhunt n. A hunt for radio transmitters; radiosport.
foxhunt v. (Intransitive) To hunt foxes, usually with dogs.
FUCHSINfuchsin n. Alternative spelling of fuchsine.
FUCHSIN n. a red dye, also FUCHSINE.
FURNISHfurnish n. Material used to create an engineered product.
furnish v. (Transitive) To provide a place with furniture, or other equipment.
furnish v. (Transitive, figuratively) To supply or give (something).
FUSHIONFUSHION n. (Scots) physical energy or strength, also FIZZEN, FOISON, FUSION.
HAFNIUMhafnium n. A chemical element (symbol Hf) with an atomic number of 72: a lustrous, silvery-grey tetravalent transition metal.
HAFNIUM n. a metallic element.
HANDFULhandful n. The amount that a hand will grasp or contain.
handful n. (Obsolete) A hand’s breadth; four inches.
handful n. A small number, usually approximately five.
HORNFULhornful n. (Said of a drinking-cup or powder flask) The amount that a horn holds.
HORNFUL n. the capacity of a drinking horn.
HOUFINGHOUF v. to haunt, frequent, also HOUFF, HOWF, HOWFF.
HUFFINGhuffing n. (Colloquial) The act of inhaling psychoactive inhalants.
huffing v. Present participle of huff.
HUFFING n. as in huffing and puffing, loud talk, noisy objections.
HUFFKINhuffkin n. A Kentish bread roll with a distinctive dimple in the middle.
HUFFKIN n. a bun made of bread dough with extra lard.
HUMFINGhumfing v. Present participle of humf.
HUMF v. (Scots) to carry something awkward, also HUMPH.
SUNFISHsunfish n. Any of various small freshwater fishes of the family Centrarchidae, often with iridescent colours and…
sunfish n. Any of various large marine fishes of the family Molidae that have an oval compressed body.
SUNFISH n. a marine fish.
UNFAITHunfaith n. Absence of faith.
UNFAITH n. a lack of faith.
UNFLESHunflesh v. (Transitive) To strip of flesh; to reduce to a skeleton.
UNFLESH v. to remove the flesh from.
UNFLUSHunflush v. (Intransitive) To lose a flush of colour.
UNFLUSH v. to lose colour.
UNSHIFTunshift v. (Intransitive) To release the shift key on a computer or typewriter keyboard.
unshift v. (Transitive, programming) To add an item to the beginning of an array.
UNSHIFT v. to release the shift key on a typewriter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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