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There are 17 seven-letter words containing F, H and 2I

FAIRISHfairish adj. Of moderate quality, size, etc.
fairish adj. Of hair: somewhat fair.
FAIRISH adj. moderately good.
FIASCHIfiaschi n. (Often pedantic) plural of fiasco.
FIASCO n. (Italian) a wine bottle.
FILMISHfilmish adj. (Informal, colloquial) Of, relating to, or characteristic of films, movies, or the film industry; cinematic.
FILMISH adj. in a style associated with films.
FINEISHfineish adj. Somewhat fine; of quite good quality or appearance.
fineish adj. Somewhat fine; of reasonable thinness or small granularity.
FINEISH adj. somewhat fine.
FINFISHfinfish n. Any fish, but especially fish other than flatfish.
finfish n. (Inf.)Short for “finned fish”, as in “ray-finned fish”. Term is used to distinguish them from shellfish…
FINFISH n. a finback whale, also FINBACK, FINNER.
FISHGIGfishgig n. (Fishing) Alternative spelling of fizgig.
fish␣gig n. Alternative spelling of fishgig (alternative form of fizgig).
FISHGIG n. a kind of harpoon, also FISGIG, FIZGIG, FIZZGIG.
FISHIERfishier adj. Comparative form of fishy: more fishy.
FISHY adj. consisting of fish.
FISHIFYfishify v. (Transitive) To change (flesh) to fish; to transform into a fish.
fishify v. (Transitive, figuratively) To make as wet as a fish; to drench with water.
FISHIFY v. (Shakespeare) to turn into fish.
FISHILYfishily adv. In a fishy manner.
FISHY adv. consisting of fish.
FISHINGfishing n. (Uncountable) The act of catching fish.
fishing n. (Uncountable, informal) The act of catching other forms of seafood, separately or together with fish.
fishing n. (Uncountable) Commercial fishing: the business or industry of catching fish and other seafood for sale.
HAIRIFSHAIRIF n. the plant cleavers.
ICEFISHicefish n. Any member of notothenioid family Channichthyidae; these Antarctic fishes are named for the lack of…
icefish n. The noodlefish (family Salangidae in order Osmeriformes).
icefish v. Alternative form of ice fish.
INFIGHTinfight v. (Intransitive) To fight with allies or other members of the same group.
infight v. (Boxing) To box while extremely close to an opponent.
infight n. An internal battle; a fight with allies or other members of the same group.
LITHIFYlithify v. To turn sediment into solid rock.
LITHIFY v. to petrify, convert to rock.
PIGFISHpigfish n. Any one of several species of salt-water grunts, called also hogfish.
pigfish n. Any of several other fishes thought to resemble pigs, including.
PIGFISH n. a large West Indian and Florida food fish, aka hogfish.
PINFISHpinfish n. Lagodon rhomboides, a saltwater sparid fish.
PINFISH n. a small marine fish.
WAIFISHwaifish adj. Waiflike.
WAIFISH adj. like a waif.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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