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There are 19 seven-letter words containing F, G, L and T

FATLINGfatling n. A young animal (especially a calf or lamb) which has been fattened for slaughter.
FATLING n. a young animal fattened for slaughter.
FELTINGfelting v. Present participle of felt.
felting n. The production of felt from wool.
felting n. The tangling of woolen fibres (such as when an article of clothing is washed at too high a temperature).
FLAUGHTFLAUGHT v. (Scots) to cut, pare.
FLIGHTSflights n. Plural of flight.
flights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flight.
FLIGHT v. to migrate in a flock.
FLIGHTYflighty adj. Given to unplanned and silly ideas or actions.
flighty adj. (Of a bird) That flies easily or often.
flighty adj. (Obsolete) Swift.
FLITINGfliting v. Present participle of flite.
fliting n. Alternative form of flyting.
FLITE v. (Scots) to quarrel, brawl, also FLYTE.
FLOTAGEflotage n. The state of floating.
flotage n. That which floats on the sea or in rivers.
flotage n. The floating capacity of a thing.
FLOTINGfloting v. Present participle of flote.
FLOTE v. to skim e.g. milk.
FLUTINGfluting v. Present participle of flute.
fluting adj. Making a sound like a flute.
fluting n. (Architecture, sculpture) A decoration consisting of parallel, normally vertical, flutes (grooves) incised…
FLYTINGflyting n. Contention, noisy argument.
flyting n. Scolding, rebuke.
flyting n. A poetic contest of insults or invective.
FROGLETfroglet n. A frog that skips the tadpole stage and emerges as a fully-developed frog.
froglet n. (Ethnic slur) A little or insignificant French person.
FROGLET n. a small frog, also FROGLING.
FULGENTfulgent adj. Shining brilliantly; radiant.
FULGENT adj. shining brightly, also FULGID.
GEFILTEgefilte n. Short for gefilte fish.
GEFILTE adj. (Yiddish) as in gefilte fish, a dish of fish stuffed with various ingredients, also GEFULLTE.
GOUTFLYGOUTFLY n. a fly whose larvae cause gout.
GUSTFULgustful adj. Gusty.
gustful adj. (Obsolete) tasty; good-tasting.
GUSTFUL adj. (archaic) savoury.
GUTFULSgutfuls n. Plural of gutful.
GUTFUL n. (colloquial) one's fill, more than enough, also GUTSFUL.
GUTSFULgutsful n. Plural of gutful.
gutsful n. (Chiefly New Zealand) Alternative form of gutful.
GUTSFUL n. one's fill, more than enough, also GUTFUL.
LIFTINGlifting n. The action or process by which something is lifted; elevation.
lifting n. (Sports) weightlifting; a form of exercise in which weights are lifted.
lifting n. (Medicine) plastic surgery for tightening facial tissues and improving the facial appearance.
LOFTINGlofting n. (Mining) Lagging or longitudinal timber resting on caps to support the roof of a working.
lofting n. (Uncountable) A drafting technique whereby curved lines are generated to be used in plans for streamlined…
lofting n. (Obsolete) An upper part; ceiling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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