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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing F, G, I and M

FARMINGfarming n. The business of cultivating land, raising stock etc.
farming n. A farming operation; a farm, or instance of farming on a piece of land.
farming adj. Pertaining to the agricultural business.
FIGJAMSFIGJAM n. (Australian slang) a conceited person.
FIGMENTfigment n. A fabrication, fantasy, invention; something fictitious.
FIGMENT n. fabrication or invention.
FILMINGfilming n. The action of the verb to film.
filming v. Present participle of film.
FILMING n. the act of making a motion picture.
FIRMINGfirming adj. Of beauty products, intended to make the skin firmer.
firming v. Present participle of firm.
FIRM v. to make firm.
FLAMINGflaming adj. On fire with visible flames.
flaming adj. Very bright and the color of flame.
flaming adj. (Colloquial) Extremely obvious; visibly evident. Typically of a homosexual male.
FLEMINGfleming v. Present participle of fleme.
Fleming n. A native or inhabitant of Flanders in Belgium.
Fleming prop.n. An English surname transferred from the nickname.
FLUMINGfluming v. Present participle of flume.
FLUME v. to convey by an artificial water channel.
FOAMINGfoaming v. Present participle of foam.
foaming n. A process that forms foam.
FOAMING n. the act of foaming.
FOGYISMfogyism n. (Colloquial) The principles and conduct of a fogy.
FOGYISM n. an outlook like a fogy, also FOGEYISM.
FORMINGforming v. Present participle of form.
forming n. The act by which something is formed; formation.
FORMING n. the process of forming.
FRAMINGframing v. Present participle of frame.
framing n. The placing of a picture, etc. in a frame.
framing n. The placing of something in context.
GEMFISHgemfish n. A bottom-dwelling fish of the family Gempylidae, inhabiting deep waters off southern Australia.
GEMFISH n. an American marine food fish of the Atlantic coast, aka kingfish.
HUMFINGhumfing v. Present participle of humf.
HUMF v. (Scots) to carry something awkward, also HUMPH.
MAGNIFYmagnify v. (Transitive) To praise, glorify (someone or something, especially God).
magnify v. (Transitive) To make (something) larger or more important.
magnify v. (Transitive) To make (someone or something) appear greater or more important than it is; to intensify, exaggerate.
MIFFINGmiffing v. Present participle of miff.
MIFF v. to annoy.
MUFFINGmuffing v. Present participle of muff.
muffing n. (Slang) Penetration of the inguinal canal (e.g. with a finger, or by pushing the testicle back inside…
MUFF v. to make a mess of, fail to catch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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