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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2F, L and Y

AFFABLYaffably adv. In an affable manner.
AFFABLE adv. easy to speak to.
BLUFFLYbluffly adv. In a bluff manner.
BLUFF adv. rough and hearty.
DAFFILYdaffily adv. In a daffy manner.
DAFFY adv. daft.
FALSIFYfalsify v. (Transitive) To alter so as to make false; to make incorrect.
falsify v. (Transitive) To misrepresent.
falsify v. (Transitive) To prove to be false.
FIFTHLYfifthly adv. In the fifth place; fifth in a row.
FIFTHLY adv. in the fifth place.
FIREFLYfirefly n. Any beetle of the family Lampyridae, which exhibit bioluminescence during twilight.
fire-fly n. Alternative spelling of firefly.
FIREFLY n. any of various nocturnal insects which emit phosphorescent light.
FLYLEAFflyleaf n. A blank page at the front or back of a book.
FLYLEAF n. a blank page at the beginning or end of a book.
FLYOFFSflyoffs n. Plural of flyoff.
FLYOFF n. a competitive testing of model aircraft.
FRITFLYfritfly n. Alternative form of frit fly.
frit␣fly n. Any fly in the family Chloropidae.
FRITFLY n. a small fly.
FYLFOTSfylfots n. Plural of fylfot.
FYLFOT n. a form of cross like a swastika, also FILFOT.
GRUFFLYgruffly adv. In a gruff manner.
GRUFF adv. low and harsh in speech.
HUFFILYhuffily adv. In a huffy manner.
HUFFY adv. easily offended.
LAYOFFSlayoffs n. Plural of layoff.
lay-offs n. Plural of lay-off.
LAYOFF n. the suspension or dismissal of employees.
MIFFILYmiffily adv. In a miffy or irritable manner.
MIFFY adv. easily annoyed.
PLAYOFFplayoff n. A final game in a series needed to break a tie.
playoff n. (US) A short series of games to select a league champion.
play-off n. Alternative spelling of playoff.
PUFFILYpuffily adv. In a puffy manner.
PUFFY adv. swollen.
SNIFFLYsniffly adj. Inclined to sniffle.
sniffly adj. Resembling a sniffle.
SNIFFLY adj. having a sniffle.
SNUFFLYsnuffly adj. Given to sniffling, to making snuffling noises.
SNUFFLY adj. tending to snuffle.
STIFFLYstiffly adv. In a stiff manner.
STIFF adv. rigid.
YAFFLESyaffles n. Plural of yaffle.
yaffles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of yaffle.
YAFFLE n. the green woodpecker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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