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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2F, I and M

AFFIRMSaffirms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of affirm.
AFFIRM v. to state positively.
DIFFORMdifform adj. Irregular in form; not uniform; anomalous or dissimilar.
DIFFORM adj. (obsolete) unlike, irregular in form.
FIEFDOMfiefdom n. (Historical) The estate controlled by a feudal lord.
fiefdom n. (By extension, chiefly derogatory) Any organization in the control of a dominant individual.
FIEFDOM n. a piece of land held as a fief.
MAFFIASmaffias n. Plural of maffia.
Maffias prop.n. Plural of Maffia.
MAFFIA n. (Italian) a secret criminal organization, also MAFIA.
MAFFICKmaffick v. (Now historical, intransitive) To celebrate a victory in a boisterous manner.
maffick n. (Now historical) The boisterous celebration of a victory.
MAFFICK v. to celebrate exuberantly.
MAFFLINMAFFLIN n. a simpleton, also MAFFLING.
MASTIFFmastiff n. One of an old breed of powerful, deep-chested, and smooth-coated dogs, used chiefly as watchdogs and guard dogs.
Mastiff n. Alternative form of mastiff.
MASTIFF n. a large shorthaired breed of dog.
MIDRIFFmidriff n. The middle section of the human torso, from below the chest to above the waist.
MIDRIFF n. the area of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
MIFFIERmiffier adj. Comparative form of miffy: more miffy.
MIFFY adj. easily annoyed.
MIFFILYmiffily adv. In a miffy or irritable manner.
MIFFY adv. easily annoyed.
MIFFINGmiffing v. Present participle of miff.
MIFF v. to annoy.
MUFFINGmuffing v. Present participle of muff.
muffing n. (Slang) Penetration of the inguinal canal (e.g. with a finger, or by pushing the testicle back inside…
MUFF v. to make a mess of, fail to catch.
MUFFINSmuffins n. Plural of muffin.
MUFFIN n. a thick round baked yeast roll, usually toasted and served with butter.
MUFFISHmuffish adj. (Colloquial, dated) stupid; awkward.
MUFFISH adj. stupid; awkward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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