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There are 16 six-letter words containing F, 2R and U

FAURERFAUR adj. (Scots) far.
FERRUMferrum n. (Homeopathy) Any of various remedies made from iron-containing compounds.
FERRUM n. (Latin) iron.
FLURRSflurrs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flurr.
FLURR v. to scatter.
FLURRYflurry n. A light, brief snowfall.
flurry n. A sudden and brief blast or gust; a light, temporary breeze.
flurry n. A shower of dust, leaves etc. brought on by a sudden gust of wind.
FUHRERfuhrer n. Alternative spelling of Führer.
Fuhrer prop.n. A surname from German.
Fuhrer n. Alternative spelling of Führer.
FURDERfurder adj. Pronunciation spelling of further. comparative form of far: more far.
FURDER adv. further.
FUREURFUREUR n. (French) an extravagant admiration.
FURFURfurfur n. (Archaic, countable) a particle of dandruff.
furfur n. (Archaic, uncountable) dandruff.
FURFUR n. (Latin) dandruff, also FURFAIR.
FURLERfurler n. A person or device that furls a flag, a sail, etc.
FURLER n. one that furls.
FUROREfurore n. Alternative form of furor (“uproar, commotion, etc.”).
FURORE n. (Italian) an outburst of public indignation, also FUROR.
FURORSfurors n. Plural of furor.
FUROR n. an outburst of public indignation, also FURORE.
FURREDfurred v. Simple past tense and past participle of fur.
furred adj. Having fur.
furred adj. Made with fur.
FURROWfurrow n. A trench cut in the soil, as when plowed in order to plant a crop.
furrow n. Any trench, channel, or groove, as in wood or metal.
furrow n. A deep wrinkle in the skin of the face, especially on the forehead.
REFURBrefurb v. (Informal) to refurbish.
refurb n. (Informal) a thing that has been refurbished.
refurb n. (Informal) The act of refurbishing.
RETURFreturf v. To lay turf again.
RETURF v. to lay new turf.
SURFERsurfer n. A person who rides a surfboard.
surfer n. A person who surfs the Internet.
surfer n. (Obsolete) A duck, the surf scoter (Melanitta perspicillata).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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