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There are 10 six-letter words containing F, I and 2T

FITTEDfitted v. Simple past tense of fit ("to tailor, to change size").
fitted v. (Regional, sometimes proscribed) simple past tense of fit (other senses).
fitted v. Past participle of fit (“to tailor, change size”).
FITTERfitter adj. Comparative form of fit: more fit.
fitter n. A person who fits or assembles something.
fitter n. (Informal) An epileptic.
FITTESfittes n. Plural of fitte.
FITTE n. (archaic) a division of a poem, also FITT, FYTTE.
FLITTSFLITT v. (obsolete) to flit.
FRITTSFRITT v. to fuse into a vitreous substance, also FRIT.
OUTFIToutfit n. A set of clothing (with accessories).
outfit n. Gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose.
outfit n. Any cohesive group of people; a unit; such as a military company.
STRIFTSTRIFT n. a struggle.
THRIFTthrift n. (Uncountable) The characteristic of using a minimum of something (especially money).
thrift n. (Countable, US) A savings bank.
thrift n. (Countable) Any of various plants of the genus Armeria, particularly Armeria maritima.
TIFTEDTIFT v. (Scots) to quarrel, be in a huff.
TITFERtitfer n. (Cockney rhyming slang) A hat.
TITFER n. (slang) cockney rhyming slang for a hat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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