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There are 19 six-letter words containing F, I, R and U

AURIFYaurify v. (Rare, transitive, intransitive) To turn into gold.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
BURFISburfis n. Plural of burfi.
BURFI n. (Hindi) an Indian dessert made from milk solids and sugar, also BARFI.
FAQUIRfaquir n. Obsolete spelling of fakir.
FAQUIR n. (Arabic) a Hindu ascetic, also FAKEER, FAKIR, FAQIR.
FIGUREfigure n. A drawing or diagram conveying information.
figure n. The representation of any form, as by drawing, painting, modelling, carving, embroidering, etc.; especially…
figure n. A person or thing representing a certain consciousness.
FIXUREfixure n. (Obsolete) Fixed position; stable condition; firmness.
FIXURE n. (Shakespeare) stability, firmness.
FLUIERFLUEY adj. infected with the flu.
FRUICTFRUICT n. (obsolete) fruit.
FRUITSfruits n. Plural of fruit.
fruits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fruit.
Fruits prop.n. Plural of Fruit.
FRUITYfruity adj. Containing fruit or fruit flavoring.
fruity adj. Similar to fruit or tasting of fruit.
fruity adj. (Informal) Mad, crazy.
FUMIERfumier adj. Comparative form of fumy: more fumy.
FUMY adj. full of fumes, also FUMOUS.
FURIESfuries n. Plural of fury.
Furies prop.n. (Greek mythology) Synonym of Erinyes; the goddesses of vengeance.
FURY n. violent anger.
FURKIDfurkid n. (Informal) A pet (normally a cat or dog) that the owner treats as if it were a child.
FURKID n. an animal kept as a companion.
IREFULireful adj. Deeply angered but not outwardly displaying it. Full of ire; angry; wroth.
IREFUL adj. full of anger.
PURIFYpurify v. (Transitive) To cleanse, or rid of impurities.
purify v. (Transitive) To free from guilt or sin.
purify v. (Intransitive) To become pure.
RUBIFYrubify v. (Rare, transitive) to make red; to cause to redden.
rubify v. (Rare, intransitive) to redden; to become red.
RUBIFY v. to redden, also RUBEFY.
RUFFINruffin adj. (Obsolete) disordered.
Ruffin prop.n. A surname.
RUFFIN n. (Spenser) a small freshwater fish of the perch family, also RUFFE.
SURFIEsurfie n. (Australia) A surfer (one who rides a surfboard), especially one involved in the surfing subculture.
SURFIE n. (Australian slang) a young usually unemployed person who spends much time surfing.
UNFAIRunfair adj. Not fair, unjust.
unfair adj. (Rare or archaic) not beautiful; uncomely; unattractive.
unfair adj. (Archaic or obsolete) sorrowful; sad.
UNFIRMunfirm adj. Not firm; not strong or stable; feeble; infirm.
UNFIRM adj. not firm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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