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There are 18 six-letter words containing F, I, M and R

AFFIRMaffirm v. To agree, verify or concur; to answer positively.
affirm v. To assert positively; to tell with confidence; to aver; to maintain as true.
affirm v. To support or encourage.
BIFORMbiform adj. Having two distinct forms.
BIFORM adj. having two forms, also BIFORMED.
FERMISfermis n. Plural of fermi.
FERMI n. in physics, a unit of 10 to power of -15 m.
FILMERfilmer n. One who films with a camera.
filmer n. One who copies media to microfilm.
FILMER n. one who films.
FIRMANfirman n. A royal decree issued by a sovereign in certain historical Islamic states, especially by the Sultan of Turkey.
Firman prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
FIRMAN n. (Persian) an Oriental sovereign's edict.
FIRMEDfirmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of firm.
FIRM v. to make firm.
FIRMERfirmer adj. Comparative form of firm: more firm.
firmer n. A physical exercise or cosmetic product intended to firm part of the body.
firmer n. A thin chisel with a tang to enter the handle instead of a socket for receiving it.
FIRMLYfirmly adv. (Manner) In a firm or definite or strong manner.
firmly adv. (Manner) Securely.
FIRM adv. unyielding to pressure.
FORMICformic adj. Of or pertaining to ants.
formic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to or derived from formic acid (or from methane).
FORMIC adj. of or pertaining to ants.
FRAIMSfraims n. Plural of fraim.
FRAIM n. (Scots) a stranger, also FREMD, FREMIT.
FREMITFREMIT n. (Scots) a stranger, also FREMD, FRAIM.
FUMIERfumier adj. Comparative form of fumy: more fumy.
FUMY adj. full of fumes, also FUMOUS.
INFIRMinfirm adj. Weak or ill, not in good health.
infirm adj. Irresolute; weak of mind or will.
infirm adj. Frail; unstable; insecure.
INFORMinform v. (Archaic, transitive) To instruct, train (usually in matters of knowledge).
inform v. (Transitive) To communicate knowledge to.
inform v. (Intransitive) To impart information or knowledge.
MAFTIRmaftir n. (Judaism) The person who reads the Haftarah.
maftir n. (Judaism) The Torah portion read for or by the person who will read the Haftarah, most often the last…
MAFTIR n. (Hebrew) the concluding section of a parashah, a passage in Jewish literature.
RAMIFYramify v. (Transitive, intransitive) To divide into branches or subdivisions.
ramify v. (Figuratively) To spread or diversify into multiple fields or categories.
RAMIFY v. to divide into branches.
REFILMrefilm v. (Transitive) To film again.
REFILM v. to film again.
UNFIRMunfirm adj. Not firm; not strong or stable; feeble; infirm.
UNFIRM adj. not firm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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