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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing F, H, I and L

ELFISHelfish adj. Characteristic of an elf; elfin, elven.
elfish adj. Mischievous.
ELFISH adj. like an elf, also ELVISH.
FILTHSfilths n. Plural of filth.
FILTH n. foul or dirty matter.
FILTHYfilthy adj. Covered with filth; very dirty.
filthy adj. Obscene or offensive.
filthy adj. Very unpleasant or disagreeable.
FLIGHTflight n. The act of flying.
flight n. An instance of flying.
flight n. (Collective) A collective term for doves or swallows.
FLINCHflinch n. A reflexive jerking away.
flinch n. (Croquet) The slipping of the foot from a ball, when attempting to give a tight croquet.
flinch v. (Intransitive) To make a sudden, involuntary movement in response to a (usually negative) stimulus; to cringe.
FLITCHflitch n. The flank or side of an animal, now almost exclusively a pig when cured and salted; a side of bacon.
flitch n. A piece or strip cut off of something else, generally a piece of wood (timber).
flitch v. (Transitive) To cut into, or off in, flitches or strips.
FLUISHfluish adj. Characteristic of influenza; flulike.
FLUISH adj. having flu to some extent.
KHALIFkhalif n. Alternative form of caliph.
KHALIF n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIF, CALIPH, KALIF, KALIPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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