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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2F, I and O

BIFFOSBIFFO n. (Australian slang) fighting or aggressive behaviour.
BOFFINboffin n. (Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Ireland, informal) An engineer or scientist, especially one engaged…
boffin n. (Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Ireland, informal, by extension) A person with specialized knowledge…
BOFFIN n. a scientific expert.
COFFINcoffin n. A rectangular closed box in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial.
coffin n. (Cartomancy) The eighth Lenormand card.
coffin n. (Archaic) A casing or crust, or a mold, of pastry, as for a pie.
COIFFEcoiffe v. Alternative spelling of coif.
COIFFE v. to put the hair in a coif, also COIF, COIFFURE.
DIEOFFdieoff n. Alternative form of die-off.
die-off n. (Chiefly biology) An incident or episode in which a particular species or organism dies off, especially…
die␣off v. To suffer a series of deaths; to die one by one; to progressively become extinct. (If a group of plants…
FILFOTfilfot n. Alternative form of fylfot.
FILFOT n. a swastika, also FYLFOT.
FOEFIEFOEFIE adj. (South African) as in foefie slide, a rope, fixed at an incline, along which a person suspended on a pulley may traverse a space, esp. across a river.
GONIFFgoniff n. Alternative form of ganef.
OFFICEoffice n. (Religion) A ceremonial duty or service, particularly…
office n. A position of responsibility.
office n. Official position, particularly high employment within government; tenure in such a position.
OFFIESoffies n. Plural of offie.
offies n. Plural of offy.
OFFIE n. (slang) an off-licence, also OFFY.
OFFINGoffing n. (Nautical) The area of the sea in which a ship can be seen in the distance from land, excluding the…
offing n. (Nautical) The distance that a ship at sea keeps away from land, often because of navigational dangers…
offing n. (Figuratively) The foreseeable future. Chiefly in the phrase in the offing.
OFFISHoffish adj. (Dated) aloof.
OFFISH adj. shy or distant in manner.
RIPOFFripoff n. Alternative spelling of rip-off.
rip-off n. (Countable) A bad deal; an unfair or exorbitant price or rate.
rip-off n. A theft or robbery.
SOFFITsoffit n. (Architecture) The visible underside of an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, staircase, vault or any other…
soffit n. (Pipe technology) The top point of the inside open section of a pipe or box conduit.
SOFFIT n. the underside of an architectural structure.
TIPOFFtipoff n. Alternative spelling of tip-off.
tip-off n. (Idiomatic) An obvious clue or indication.
tip-off n. (Idiomatic) A report of suspicious behaviour, especially to an authority.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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