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There are 10 five-letter words containing F, I, L and R

FILARfilar adj. Of or relating to a thread or line; characterized by threads stretched across the field of view.
FILAR adj. pertaining to a thread.
FILERfiler n. Agent noun of file; one who files something.
filer n. (Computing) A software program for managing files.
Filer prop.n. A surname.
FLAIRflair n. A natural or innate talent or aptitude.
flair n. Distinctive style or elegance.
flair n. (Obsolete) Smell; odor.
FLIERflier n. Alternative form of flyer (more common in US, except in the sense of "leaflet").
flier v. Alternative form of flyer.
FLIER n. one that flies, also FLYER.
FLIRSFLIR n. forward looking infrared radar, an electronic heat sensor able to detect and display on a TV.-like screen a distant scene despite darkness, smoke etc. used esp. in military aircraft.
FLIRTflirt n. A sudden jerk; a quick throw or cast; a darting motion.
flirt n. Someone who flirts a lot or enjoys flirting; a flirtatious person.
flirt n. An act of flirting.
FRAILfrail adj. Easily broken physically; not firm or durable; liable to fail and perish.
frail adj. Weak; infirm.
frail adj. Mentally fragile.
FRILLfrill n. A strip of pleated fabric or paper used as decoration or trim.
frill n. (Figurative) A substance or material on the edge of something, resembling such a strip of fabric.
frill n. (Photography) A wrinkled edge to a film.
LIFERlifer n. A prisoner sentenced to life in prison.
lifer n. A prisoner sentenced to transportation for life.
lifer n. A person with a singular career path, especially in the military.
RIFLErifle n. (Weaponry) A firearm fired from the shoulder; improved range and accuracy is provided by a long, rifled barrel.
rifle n. (Military, usually in the plural, dated) A rifleman.
rifle n. (Weaponry) An artillery piece with a rifled barrel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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