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There are 16 five-letter words containing 2F, I and S

BIFFSbiffs n. Plural of biff.
biffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of biff.
BIFF v. to strike hard.
DIFFSdiffs n. Plural of diff.
diffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of diff.
DIFF n. (colloquial) difference, also DIF.
FIEFSfiefs n. Plural of fief.
FIEF n. a feudal estate.
FIFESfifes n. Plural of fife.
FIFE v. to play a high-pitched flute.
FIFISfifis n. Plural of fifi.
FIFI n. a kind of hook.
JIFFSjiffs n. Plural of jiff.
JIFF n. a short time, also JIFFY.
MIFFSmiffs n. Plural of miff.
miffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miff.
MIFF v. to annoy.
NIFFSniffs n. Plural of niff.
NIFF v. to smell bad.
RIFFSriffs n. Plural of riff.
riffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of riff.
RIFF v. to play such a phrase.
SKIFFskiff n. A small flat-bottomed open boat with a pointed bow and square stern.
skiff n. Any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person.
skiff v. To navigate in a skiff.
SNIFFsniff v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make a short, audible inhalation, through the nose, as when smelling something.
sniff v. (Transitive) To say (something) while sniffing, such as in case of illness or unhappiness, or in contempt.
sniff v. (Transitive) To perceive vaguely.
SPIFFspiff n. (Uncountable) Attractiveness or charm in dress, appearance, or manner.
spiff n. (Countable, archaic, slang) A well-dressed man; a swell.
spiff n. (Countable, commerce, slang) A bonus or other remuneration, given for reaching a sales goal or promoting…
STIFFstiff adj. (Of an object) Rigid; hard to bend; inflexible.
stiff adj. (Figurative, of policies and rules and their application and enforcement) Inflexible; rigid.
stiff adj. (Of a person) Formal in behavior; unrelaxed.
TIFFStiffs n. Plural of tiff.
tiffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tiff.
Tiffs prop.n. Plural of Tiff.
VIFFSVIFF v. to change direction abruptly of a VTOL aircraft.
ZIFFSziffs n. Plural of ziff.
Ziffs prop.n. Plural of Ziff.
ZIFF n. (Australian slang) a beard, a goatee.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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