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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing F, M, U and Y

CHYMIFEROUSchymiferous adj. Bearing or containing chyme.
CHYMIFEROUS adj. containing chyme.
CRUCIFORMLYcruciformly adv. In a cruciform manner.
CRUCIFORM adv. cross-shaped.
DISMAYFULLYdismayfully adv. (Rare) In dismay.
DISMAYFUL adv. terrifying.
EMULSIFYINGemulsifying v. Present participle of emulsify.
emulsifying adj. That emulsifies.
EMULSIFY v. to convert into an emulsion.
FLUNKEYDOMSFLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
FLUNKEYISMSFLUNKEYISM n. the state of being a flunkey.
FLUORIMETRYfluorimetry n. (Chemistry, physics) fluorescence spectroscopy.
FLUORIMETRY n. measurement by fluorimeter, also FLUOROMETRY.
FLUOROMETRYfluorometry n. (Chemistry, physics) An analytical technique that uses fluorescence to detect and identify small samples…
FLUOROMETRY n. measurement by fluorometer, also FLUORIMETRY.
FULMINATORYfulminatory adj. Thundering; striking terror.
FULMINATORY adj. serving to fulminate.
GALLIMAUFRYgallimaufry n. (Dated, countable, uncountable) A hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout.
gallimaufry n. (Figuratively) Any absurd medley, an elaborate mishmash.
GALLIMAUFRY n. (French) a hash of liver and other organs; a hotchpotch.
HUMIDIFYINGhumidifying v. Present participle of humidify.
HUMIDIFY v. to make humid.
MANUFACTORYmanufactory n. (Archaic) A manufacturing process; a particular industry or part of an industry.
manufactory n. (Archaic) A plant where something is manufactured; a factory.
manufactory adj. (Obsolete) Relating to manufacture.
MASTERFULLYmasterfully adv. In a masterful manner; in an extremely confident and competent manner.
MASTERFUL adv. exercising the authority, skill or power of a master.
MULTIFAMILYmultifamily adj. Intended for more than one family. Particularly applied to residences.
multifamily n. A residence intended for more than one family.
MULTIFAMILY n. a building designed to house several families.
SUPERFAMILYsuperfamily n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category above family and below order (and its subdivisions).
superfamily n. (Molecular biology) A large group of related proteins or other molecules.
SUPERFAMILY n. a category of biological classification ranking below an order and above a family.
UNHARMFULLYunharmfully adv. In a way that is not harmful.
UNHARMFUL adv. not harmful.
UNMINDFULLYunmindfully adv. In an unmindful fashion; without mindfulness.
UNMINDFUL adv. not mindful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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