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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing F, G, R and W

AFTERGLOWSafterglows n. Plural of afterglow.
after-glows n. Plural of after-glow.
AFTERGLOW n. a glow remaining after a light source has faded.
BEDWARFINGbedwarfing v. Present participle of bedwarf.
BEDWARF v. to make small by comparison.
FARROWINGSfarrowings n. Plural of farrowing.
FARROWING n. the act of giving birth to piglets.
FIGUREWORKfigurework n. Decorative figures.
figurework n. Arithmetic; mathematics done with figures.
FIGUREWORK n. counting or calculation using numbers.
FINGERBOWLfingerbowl n. Alternative spelling of finger bowl.
finger␣bowl n. A small bowl of warm water placed at each seat at a formal dinner for the guests to rinse their fingers…
FINGERBOWL n. a bowl of water for washing the fingers in at table.
FLOWERAGESflowerages n. Plural of flowerage.
FLOWERAGE n. the process or result of flowering; flowers collectively.
FLOWERINGSflowerings n. Plural of flowering.
FLOWERING n. the act of flowering.
FOREWEIGHSforeweighs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foreweigh.
FOREWEIGH v. (archaic) to estimate beforehand.
FORSLOWINGforslowing v. Present participle of forslow.
FORSLOW v. (Shakespeare) to delay, also FORESLOW, FORSLOE.
FORWARDINGforwarding v. Present participle of forward.
forwarding n. The act by which something is forwarded.
FORWARDING n. the act of sending on e.g. mail.
FORWARNINGforwarning v. Present participle of forwarn.
FORWARN v. to warn in advance, also FOREWARN.
FORWASTINGforwasting v. Present participle of forwaste.
FORWASTE v. (Spenser) to waste completely.
FROGSPAWNSFROGSPAWN n. the gelatinous egg mass of a frog.
FROWNINGLYfrowningly adv. While or as if frowning.
FROWNING adv. FROWN, to wrinkle the brow with displeasure.
REFLOWINGSreflowings n. Plural of reflowing.
REFLOWING n. the act of reflowing.
WARFARINGSwarfarings n. Plural of warfaring.
WARFARING n. the business of waging war.
WAYFARINGSwayfarings n. Plural of wayfaring.
WAYFARING n. travelling.
WHARFINGERwharfinger n. (Chiefly historical) The owner or manager of a wharf.
WHARFINGER n. the keeper or owner of a wharf.
WRONGFULLYwrongfully adv. In a wrongful manner; unjustly.
WRONGFUL adv. wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 111 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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