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There are 15 seven-letter words containing F, U and X

BOXFULSboxfuls n. Plural of boxful.
BOXFUL n. as much as a box can hold.
CONFLUXconflux n. A merger of rivers, or the place where rivers merge.
conflux n. A convergence or moving gathering of forces, people, or things.
CONFLUX n. a flowing together of streams.
FIXTUREfixture n. (Law) Something that is fixed in place, especially a permanent appliance or other item of personal property…
fixture n. A regular patron of a place or institution; a person constantly present at a certain place.
fixture n. A lighting unit; a luminaire.
FIXURESfixures n. Plural of fixure.
FIXURE n. (Shakespeare) stability, firmness.
FLEXUREflexure n. The act of bending or flexing; flexion.
flexure n. A turn; a bend; a fold; a curve.
flexure n. (Anatomy) A curve or bend in a tubular organ.
FLUMMOXflummox v. (Intransitive) To confuse; to fluster; to flabbergast.
flummox v. (Intransitive, uncommon) To give in, to give up, to collapse.
FLUMMOX v. to confuse.
FLUXINGfluxing v. Present participle of flux.
FLUX v. to melt, also FLIX.
FLUXIONfluxion n. (Obsolete, mathematics) The derivative of a function.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) The action of flowing.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) A difference or variation.
FLUXIVEfluxive adj. Flowing; lacking solidity.
FLUXIVE adj. (Shakespeare) flowing with tears.
FOXHUNTfoxhunt n. A hunt for foxes, usually with dogs.
foxhunt n. A hunt for radio transmitters; radiosport.
foxhunt v. (Intransitive) To hunt foxes, usually with dogs.
FUNPLEXFUNPLEX n. a building with facilities for sports and games.
FUZZBOXfuzzbox n. Alternative spelling of fuzz box.
fuzz␣box n. An effects pedal comprising an amplifier and a clipping circuit, used in music to generate a distorted…
FUZZBOX n. an electronic device used to distort the sound of e.g. an electric guitar.
TUBIFEXtubifex n. Any member of the genus Tubifex of tubificid annelids, some of which are used to feed fish in freshwater aquaria.
Tubifex prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Naididae – certain annelids.
TUBIFEX n. a freshwater tubicolous worm used as bait.
UNFIXEDunfixed adj. Not fixated or fixed; moving or changing freely.
unfixed adj. (Of a problem) Not fixed; not corrected.
unfixed adj. Not fraudulently prearranged.
UNFIXESunfixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfix.
UNFIX v. to unfasten.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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